Why would he do that

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*Harry felt Louis' phone underneath him.*

H: oh SHIT! That bitch he is going to come back once he realises. But when? Am I going to be able to have that girl come over? WHY LOUIS

*Harry just started to cry and laid back down. He didn't want to break up with Louis but he had to.*

*Harry got up and walked to the big mirror on the other side of the room. He stood in front of it and watched as he cried. And cried. And cried. Harry couldn't even catch his breath thats how much he was crying. Then he started saying things like.

H: I loved him. He was all I needed. Why would he do this. I want to be with him but i need to break up with him. He got someone pregnant. Or did he?

H: I need to make her come over without Louis coming back for his phone.

H: The only way for this to happen is to bring him his phone. Even though I don't want to thats the only way.

H: I guess I should go get ready.  Im going to need to walk I only like driving with Louis.


H: I hate walking I hope no fans see me. Oh great here they come.

H: Hey!!

Fan: OMG HARRY HEYY wait where is louis?

H: He is very busy right now and at home.

Fan: oh okay. Can I get a picture of you I want to post it on my Twitter.

H: Of course you can

*Harry saw this woman walk over and she put her arm around the fan. Then she said*

Mom of fan: Kate who is this?

Fan: Mom this is Harry Styles he is dating Louis Tomlinson duh

*Harry stood there just listening because he wanted to know what was happening. He also thought to himself*

H: /thinks/ why does she look so familiar I swear I saw that mom somewhere and that kid

Mom of fan: Oh I know Louis very well. *than she looks at her stomach and rubs it* I know him very well.

Kate: Haha good for you mom now can you take this picture?

Mom of fan: Sure. And Harry you never heard of me? Louis should have told you if you guys are dating.

H: What do you mean?

Mom of fan: Oh nevermind anyways im ______

So who is she and Kate? Find out in the next chapter!

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