Hajime x Ibuki

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woah.. this is a ship i have never heard of as well.. as you can see I am way behind on information..

UHHH.. Ibuki is pretty cool.. I like her hair and the way she dresses. Plus her personality lightens up the mood usually.. I remember the time we had a party at 'titty typhoon'.. and Ibuki picked an interesting song name..

'i squeezed out the baby and i have no idea who the father is..' ...that was interesting.. But the fact is.. I don't know if Ibuki is really into me.. or any guys.. she is probably into Mikan.. (bandaid rights).. uhm.. Ibuki has a bold personality and she is probably a good friend of mine who lightens up my day or my mood.

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✔ it's okay.. ✔

- 🍊 Hajime Hinata 🍊

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