Chapter Seven

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I walked outside Nook's Cranny a bit faster than normal. I was worried about Timmy. If Nook found out that we discussed about how mean he was, we'd both be in trouble, especially Timmy. I'd be fired in no time and kicked out of my small house for agreeing with him. I hoped everything was going to turn out all right.

I took another quick glance at the map of Animal Crossing to make sure I knew where Kid Cat's house was located. I didn't want to talk to him because of the Big Top incident, but it's what I had to do. I almost forgot that he hit me with his net too. I don't know what he'd even do with a regular leaf in his house anyways.

I knew I had to do this task, so I rushed to his house just to finish the job faster. There was a note taped to Kid Cat's door with very neat handwriting. It read:

Sorry, I am not home right now! I'm training outside!
-Kid Cat

Kid Cat wasn't even in his house. This was going to take longer than I thought. It wouldn't take as much time as introducing myself to everybody though, that's for sure. If there were such thing as cell phones in this town, I'd find him right away.

Speaking of, where did my phone even go? I checked my pockets, only to find that my phone was missing. Now was not the time to worry about that. Finishing Nook's job is the first thing to complete on my list, next to escaping.

While I was on the lookout for Kid Cat, I heard someone shout, "Agent S, is that you?" I listened to the sound of someone running through the grass from behind me, and I turned around. Sure enough, it was Kid Cat.

"Why, yes I am," I teased. I wanted to have a bit of fun.

Kid Cat had this confused look on his face. He took a real good look at me. "You aren't that squirrel," he started, "You're Agent O! That's your new nickname!"

"Please don't call me that."

"Too late! I already thought about it, psst! AGENT O! Yeah!"

That cat was the most annoying living creature in this universe. He's even worse than the cicadas, and I thought those were bad. "Fine," I hissed. Agent O was really close to Agent S. She'd probably be angry at him once she finds out.

"So, what's up? Did you come to exercise with me?" he asked in a sudden friendly way.

"I have a delivery for you from Nook's Cranny." I replied. I wanted this to go faster than it already was. I'm apparently getting distracted way too much in this different dimension.

I handed the leaf over to Kid Cat. He began to jump around as he took the green thing out of my hands. "It arrived!" he exclaimed. "I finally received my basketball net! Thanks, Agent O!"

"I hope you enjoy your new furniture," I said because it was part of my job. I don't even how Kid Cat knew that was a basketball net. How could he even tell? That leaf looked just like the other leaves I bet.

I left to head back to Nook's Cranny. The closer I walked there, the more I shook. I was more and more nervous about Timmy. I wondered what my next task was as well. Nook could purposely ask me to do something so dangerous and risky. I don't know.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the wooden door. While I waited for someone to open the door, I looked at the sign above me with my hands behind me. It showed the words "Nook's Cranny" and picture of the same leaf that was a piece of furniture, only except it was painted white (instead of its natural green color) in a red square.

A few minutes passed and no one touched the door. I guess all three raccoons left to go somewhere to escape from me or they were just ignoring me. I decided to make sure the door was locked to see if they actually left.

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