Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning. It actually felt peaceful and quiet. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing; everything felt fine. The only problem is that I have to visit Tom Nook so he could bring me Timmy. It was weird that he was following me around. I should try to get used to it. Today was definitely not my average Saturday morning.

I didn't want Nook to lose my trust. Who knows what he will do. So I jumped out of bed and got ready. I opened my door to step on the strange, circle grass. I was slowly heading to Nook's Cranny when I accidentally bumped into a brown frog. Why do I keep doing this? Plus too, Timmy wasn't with me. He'd never believe that I met another animal without him.

"Uh, I'm sorry," I said to the frog. I didn't want to be mean.

"Ow," he replied, patting himself, "Oh, um, my name is Wart Juinor by the way." He had a lot of warts on his face. I felt bad for the poor guy.

I was going to be late so I replied quickly, "I'm Olivia. I have to go to Nook's Cranny, so bye for now. Once again, I'm sorry I ran into you."

"All righty then. Bye," Wart Jr. answered. He grabbed his watering can from his bag and began sprinkling water on his patch of roses. I walked away toward Nook's Cranny.

When I arrived, the shop wasn't even open yet. It was freezing outside, and I wanted to stand inside a warm building. I could not just stand and wait a half hour for the shop to open. I needed to enter. I decided to knock on the door.

Luckily, Tommy answered the door. "Sorry, the shop's closed," he stated. Then his eyes opened wider. "Oh, you're Olivia! Be right back!"

I bet he's going to call Nook. I was still cold here though. "Could I at least step inside?" I asked.

"Fine," Tommy answered.

Just when I stepped inside the cranny, I saw Nook. Sure enough, Tommy did call him.

"Morning, Olivia," Nook said. "You'll have to meet the rest of the villagers faster today, yes? Timothy is sleeping at the moment, so let me get him."

I waited about ten minutes for Timmy. I'm pretty sure he's not a morning person if it took that long to wake up. Nook pushed both of us out of the shop. "It's really early and I need my beauty sleep before the store opens, so please don't come back until after nine o'clock!" he shouted.

"Good morning," Timmy said. "I'm way too tired today." He could barely keep his eyes open.

"Yeah, I know. By the way I ran into Wart Juinor today and 'accidentally' met him without you," I replied.

"Oh....." Timmy paused to take a few breaths. "All right. I really trust you."

I couldn't believe it! Timmy actually trusts me about this already! He wasn't such a bad raccoon compared to his uncle. "Thank you for understanding!" I smiled. Timmy replied with a smile as well.

Then I thought of last night.

We talked a bit as we walked to the next house on the map. Some girl named 'Chrissy' lived near the bottom of a cliff side. I knocked on her door. I was surprised to see that she was actually awake and opened the door. She was a pink and white polka-dot rabbit who had a colorful shirt on. She had too much of sparkly eyes.

"Ohmigosh! Olivia! Agent S told me all about you! You're the new one right? My name is Chrissy, and we should like totally hang out sometime! I have to go, so catch you later, sparkles!" Chrissy exclaimed.

"Bye..." I replied slowly. I was sort of confused because she talked a little too fast. Timmy completely understood it though because he waved to her.

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