Chapter 2

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    When I wake up for the second time, we're still on the road somewhere. I never bothered asking Bokuto where exactly he plans on taking us, so I have no clue where we're headed.

    "Hey hey hey! Akaashi, you're finally awake!" He looks completely fine now, all the intensity from last night is gone. He is just the normal, happy-go-lucky Bokuto.

    "Eyes on the road," I respond. I take a moment to study our surroundings, trying to figure out where we are. We can't have gotten too far in the few hours I was asleep. "You're going to need to take a nap or something. I can drive for a while." I have no idea how long he was awake before he came to get me, but he has been up at least since 2 AM.

    Bokuto shakes his head but doesn't look over at me. "I'm all good. We're road-tripping! No time for sleep." At first, I think he's joking, but when he doesn't say anything else I realize he was being completely serious.

    "Bokuto- that's not... You know what? Okay." I don't feel like arguing with him on something so trivial, he'll probably change his mind when he gets tired later anyways. "Where are we headed?"

    "To the beach," he says, sounding very excited. "It's super nice out right now, so I figured we could make it in time to watch the sunset."

    "That's actually not a bad idea. How far out are we?" I certainly did not expect him to have any kind of plan. I was expecting to have to make the plans after we were already on the road, but he seems to know where he's going. For now, at least.

    "Um, a few hours. But I figure we'll stop along the way. I want to get food soon," he quickly glances over at me and I give him a nod. I'm impressed with his surprisingly logical plans, its unlike him to be this focused on a goal.

    I lean my head against the window and try to fall asleep again so that I'll be well-rested enough to drive once Bokuto decides he's tired. It takes a while, but I eventually drift off.

    I only wake up when Bokuto shakes me somewhat violently. "Jesus- what's happening?" I say groggily, pushing his arm away from my shoulder.

    I am met with a response that is completely unphased by my harsh tone, "McDonald's. What do you want?"

    "Uh, just some nuggets or something. Oh, and water." I wish he had picked literally any restaurant other than McDonald's, but just this once I'll live. Next time I am picking our food though.

    Next time... I wonder how long Bokuto actually plans on us being gone. I'm sure he knows how irresponsible it is for us to just leave like this. I don't quite understand how past me was ever even persuaded to come. But, that look he had on his face was just too serious. I felt as if I couldn't say no to him at that moment. So here we are.

    I am abruptly startled out of my thoughts by Bokuto handing me the bag of food. "I would have paid," I say, setting it on my lap to make sure we got everything we ordered. He made some sly remark on how a gentleman always pays for food which I responded to with a sigh, as I took my food out of the bag. I handed him his food and we got out to sit in the parking lot and eat.

    Once we're both finished, Bokuto stands up to stretch. We still have a couple of hours until we're at the beach, and he looks tired. "I'll drive the last leg. You need to sleep or you won't make it to the sunset."

    He looks for a second like he wants to argue, but gives up whatever he wanted to say and instead shrugs. "Works for me." I was planning to have to force him into the passenger seat, so the lack of argument was very welcome. "You know the way?"

    "I've been a few times. I'm sure I can manage," I respond as I make my way towards the car. I have to adjust the seat to comfortably drive, Bokuto is a lot bigger than I am. He starts to laugh, but I give him an unamused glance that shuts him up before he says anything.

    It took little to no time for Bokuto to fall asleep once we were on the road. I quietly laugh to myself thinking about how he had previously insisted he wouldn't get tired, before falling into a comfortable silence.

    I like the quiet. I've been told it suits me. The ability to just sit and observe is one that I value. I spare a glance over at the now sleeping Bokuto and can't help but continue to wonder exactly what it is we're doing here. If I felt like I could ask him I would. For now, I settle for driving in silence and looking at our ever-changing surroundings. Every once in a while I look back to Bokuto and sometimes catch myself wishing he was awake. But every time that happens I push the thought down and refocus on the road.

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