Distant Families

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Hey y'all! I'm so happy that you guys liked the first chapter, and I'm honestly super excited about this one! Still figuring out some major kinks, and these first few chapters are gonna be more intro-type chapters :) Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment!

The lecture went by as slow as it possibly could. Ms. Sylvester likes to hold a grudge so she sent me disapproving looks anytime she could. I wasn't fazed by it though, I have to keep up my tough exterior somehow.

She instructed us to grab a computer from the cart, and look up some recent studies that were done about slow synaptic transmission. It was definitely more difficult to understand, only because it's more complex than fast synaptic transmission. I looked up on one of the authors, only to see that their user was @brittana2012 ( ;) ).
Seriously, who names their kid Brittana? What kind of name even is that?

Once we starting reading up on the studies, Ms. Sylvester started speaking about how she was tested for a neuroscience study. It's not weird, only because the woman can't go ten minutes without talking to herself.

The lecture ended with Ms. Sylvester giving another speech about how complex slow synaptic transmission is, and how slow-acting neurotransmitters control the fast synaptic transmission. For me, it just sounded like a big jumble of words. Ms. Sylvester then assigned us to create a life-like diagram that resembled the slow synaptic transmission and the fast synaptic transmission. I wasn't too fond of it like most students, but I obliged anyway.

My next class was right after, and it was a forty-five minute intro to another study on how the brain experiences time. Mrs. Pillsbury was the professor, and she spent almost the whole time just cleaning her desk. I mean- talk about a neat freak! I've heard stories about her, and most of them made her out to be some sort of creepy doll-faced girl. She does have the creepy part down, and she talks like she's scared of shouting at others.

After that lesson that was basically just the students talking amongst themselves, I started to close my textbooks and head back to my dorm.

"Is your book okay?" A voice asked.

I jumped out of my skin internally, but I physically shown no signs of being scared. I looked up hesitantly, and saw that it was a boy dressed in a green plaid shirt, and black jeans. He looked scruffy, and each short brown hair of his spiked out in a different direction. And don't get me started on his accent- he sounded like he was supposed to be carrying bagpipes everywhere he went.

"What?" I shook myself out of my thoughts. My brow raised alongside asking, only because I was unsure of why this kid was even talking to me. Either he had to be new, or he was just asking to get insulted. I already had a million Scottish jokes lined up in my head.

"Is your book okay? I saw what that body builder guy did. You looked pissed, and I didn't want you to forget your book," He said again, but adding more of an explanation. "My name's Rory." He stuck out his hand, and I just looked at it with an annoying look. Yeah, he was definitely new.

"Okay," I replied, standing up out of my seat and shrugging past him. I didn't have time to make friends. I reminded myself that I still needed to pack for the four hour drive to my dad's.

Rory didn't get the hint, and started following me anyway. "Right," He muttered, but persisted. "Do you mind if I walk with you? Some people aren't really cool with an exchange student from Ireland walking on their turf. I don't get it though- what did Ireland ever do to them?" He ranted, and it took everything in me not to snap at him to walk away.

"Look, Leprechaun," I started, but my eyes were kept forward. "I don't care about college bullies. Hell, I practically am one. So why don't you do something interesting to keep me from leaving you in the dust, or just go find some pot of gold in some dumb teen."

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