Grave Robber

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Finally got around to writing this! So sorry it took so long, school was piling up as well as Oregon deciding to have numerous natural disasters at once 🙄🙄But, here's the chapter you've all been waiting for- Brittana finally meets! Don't forget to vote and comment! Also- any criticism is welcomed :)

The next morning hit me like a train. I felt groggy, which was weird because I didn't even drink last night.

I opened one eye, looking up at the ceiling. For a second, I didn't recognize the wall I was facing. Then, I sadly remembered that I was back at my dad's house, in my old room. I think that's why I didn't want to wake up, knowing that I was in this place that brought me back to terrifying high school days and memories of my mom.

I promised myself that I would visit where she was resting today, and that's exactly what I'm about to do. Firstly- I have to interrogate my dad about where the pictures went. Take all the pictures you want, but he had no right to take the ones in my room down.

I slumped out of bed, almost running into the unfamiliar nightstand to my right. Somehow I managed to forget where my own stuff was, in my own room? It couldn't have been that long since I've been in here- could it? It always felt like an eternity whenever I visited in the past, but now it just feels like I'm reliving my childhood- and that's something I don't ever want to experience again.

I shook my head, remembering what I was doing. Right- confronting my dad. I was already planning on being gone for the day. I wanted to visit some old places I used to go to in my high school years. I decided it would be easier to talk to my dad after I've gotten showered and gotten dressed, so I was ready to leave if the conversation turned bad. Plus, it would give me time to plan out what I wanted to say to him.

I made my way to my bathroom, feeling weird that I haven't been in here since before I left for college. Sure, I've visited my mom and whatnot, but I would stay at hotels or even just drive down, then drive back up to campus.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get warm. I studied the countertop, remembering the days when I would spend hours in here to make my hair and makeup perfect. I would spend hours just to make sure I looked presentable enough for a girl I liked in my chemistry class- who I'm pretty sure is definitely straight and married with a kid on the way. She's my age too- and already pregnant! Not that i'm bashing her for getting pregnant so young, I'm just surprised that she was ready for that commitment. Then again- I don't really know her all that well because she now lives across the country and she only updated her Instagram once every three months.

My mind drifted back to the shower, and I realized I had been standing there for some time. I shook my head free of any more thoughts about her- I got over her a long time ago.

I stepped into the shower, feeling the scalding hot droplets and noticing that it was turned all the way to the left. I yelped, practically jumping back from the shower head and banging my knee into the small little bench.

"Fuck!" I hissed, clutching my knee cap as it was already starting to bruise. I'll deal with that later, I still have to talk to my dad.

I snapped myself back into focus, turning the shower a little cooler and finally washing my hair.

It had only been fifteen minuets, and I was in the process of drying my hair. I was wearing black mom jeans, a red AC/DC shirt, as well as a black belt around my waist. I wanted to look semi good when I went to visit my mom. I honestly wasn't sure if she even was watching me- or anyone for that matter.

I sighed, knowing that I was mostly just stalling so I wouldn't have to talk to my dad. I grabbed my phone from the charger, finally taking the steps downstairs. Already, I could hear the faint chatter from the TV, as well as spoons knocking against bowls.

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