Genius, but at what cost?

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Hiya! Not much to say abt this one- don't forget to vote and comment!

The drive home from Santana's dad's wasn't the best, considering that she left the house at 6:30 in the night, and the trek was four hours at least.

Of course, Santana did not expect to leave so soon. Sure, the brunette always had one foot out the door whenever she got into something sketchy, but that wasn't the original plan for tonight. Instead, she had planned to try and rekindle her family's relationship, even if they were short of one. She had imagined tonight to be filled with jokes, great food, and maybe even a board game or two.

But alas, both of the men in her family knew that she was too stubborn for her own good. Even Santana knew about her stubbornness, but she always thought it wasn't that bad.

The brunette would sometimes find herself looking at the daylily sitting in the passenger seat whenever she was stuck in traffic, or at a red light. She thought back to the blonde- Brittany, Santana remembered. Despite wandering around a place filled with death and sorrow, the other girl seemed to be having a good time. How could someone have a good day, while they are walking around in a cemetery?

Santana snorted at the thought. She was perplexed as to why Brittany was even there- she gave no inclinations as to what she was doing there. Could she have been visiting someone? It couldn't have been because of Milo- he looked as if he enjoyed the reaction between the two. In Santana's mind, she thought that Milo was a little absent minded for playing a dumb joke like that on the blonde.

It took a honk from a car to have Santana jumping in her spot. A car was flashing its lights from behind where Santana stayed put at a green light. Last time she checked, the light was red.

Embarrassment flooded the Latina's face as she guiltily waved her hand in acknowledgement. Santana accelerated, entering on a highway that would lead her to the street that MIT was on. Another hour, and Santana was finally entering the campus at 11:30 in the night. A little scandalous for a college student to be arriving at a time like this, but the brunette's circumstances were unintentional. She wasn't planning on coming home today with a picture frame worth nineteen years in memories, and an ice block settling in the pit of her stomach from the one man who could've given her closure.

Once parked, Santana grabbed her small suitcase from the back seat, trying to be as quiet as possible as she climbed the stairs to her dorm floor. She tiptoed across the hallway, finally entering the small room.

After checking to make sure that a certain blond-haired, hazel-eyed girl wasn't in, Santana let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. This was really the only place she felt safe now. A tiny room with two small beds, a desk, and an ugly shag rug that Quinn picked out because it was on sale. Come on, who even buys shag rugs anymore? Santana decided that the only person who did was Quinn. The girl never really got a say in situations concerning decorating- only because Quinn had picked on her lack of decorations on her own side of the dorm room.

This time, Santana felt as if she had the upper hand. Quinn's side of the room was decorated with a handful of personal things, whereas Santana sloppily put a pencil cup on the right side of the desk. She also claimed that she had her own bedsheets- ignoring the fact that they were just the plain color of slate- hence stating that she had decorated. Though she didn't show it, Santana did agree with Quinn. Her lack of decor was.... depressing, to say the least.

Not anymore, the brown-eyed girl thought with a hint of power. She placed the picture of her mother on next to the pencil cup, feeling a sense of pride. There- decor. It wasn't much, but Santana could feel herself shift as she stared at the picture. Her mother was smiling a big, lopsided grin. The one where all her teeth were showing and it looked as if she were laughing at a hilarious joke someone told her just moments before. It made Santana want to smile that big too- and for a moment she did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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