An Act of Kindness

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Hi, all! Sorry for the bit of the wait, things are still a bit busy here and there but I'm hoping they'll die down quick :) I also want to apologize for the shortness of the chapter- the next few ones will be longer for sure.
Also- I changed up my writing style to third person, only because it's much more easier for me to write like that haha
Anyway, I hope you guys like the chapter, and please don't forget to comment and vote! :)

Santana stood there in shock, still comprehending the fact that this girl didn't know that she wasn't supposed to be 'picking' the flowers off of the grave. Her words echoed in mind, and the brunette taking a longer time to answer than normal.

"Uhm, no..? The flowers are on people's graves for a reason." Santana furrowed her brows, still debating whether she should laugh or just curse at her for doing such a thing. Somehow, Santana found it incapable of doing either, and her stance softened.

The girl- on the other hand- turned to the boy that was standing slightly behind them. He had is hand over his mouth, as if to stifle a laugh. In a matter of seconds, the girl slapped him on the shoulder. The boy retracted his hand, a frown now visible on his face.

"Milo!" The girl scolded him, though it was apparent that she wasn't too mad. Santana could tell that by the way she stood, part of her wanted to laugh as well. But- wasn't she the one who embarrassed herself? Santana found it strange- how could the blonde stranger be so comfortable with herself to laugh at her own mistakes?

The boy- from what the girl called him, his name was Milo- returned a breathy chuckle. "Hey, I never told you 'not' to do it," He smiled sheepishly.

God, Santana could already tell that he was full of shit. He had that nice boy look to him, but I could clearly see that he was one of those to play women like a game. Santana felt a twinge of unease at the way he spoke.

"So what? You stayed silent the entire time!" The girl huffed, then raised a brow. "What would your boyfriend think of this?" She asked with a hint of teasing in her voice.

A boyfriend? Santana could've sworn he looked completely straight! Then again- she had a terrible judge of sexuality.

Milo shrugged, then coughed and looked in the direction of Santana. The brunette had forgotten she was was even watching the whole thing, and her body stilled. Santana felt awkward under the questionable gaze of Milo- it felt like he was analyzing her. She quickly averted her gaze to the ground, acting like she was interested in each and every blade of cut grass.

The girl caught on quite quickly, turning back around to Santana "Right! uh-" she stammered, then regained her composure. "Sorry about this. Milo didn't tell me that these daylilies weren't supposed to be picked. Shame though, they really are pretty," she sighed, and for a split second Santana thought she was actually upset.

The brunette felt as if she wanted to comfort her. Was that weird? Here Santana was, wanting to reassure a stranger whom she'd met stealing flowers from graves.

Santana felt like the silence between the three had become unbearable. She felt the need to say something, /anything/ to get rid of this impeding cloud of awkwardness. "what're your names?" She asked, though Santana wanted to barf. That was such a normal and boring question to ask, but the brunette was genuinely curious about their names. She had guessed that the boy was named Milo, but it was a good excuse rather than just asking the blonde's name alone.

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