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I sat at my seat at the classroom. I can't get over on that dream! I wish it will come true. If it happens, I will be luckiest woman alive, haha-

Ms. Kim Seohyun, go the detention now! I'm back at my senses when someone called my name.

Why?  I asked my teacher.

Go the detention,. Now!!!!

Okay fine! I rolled my eyes in defeat. I get my bag and exited myself. I didn't know what's happening with this teacher!

I ran and ran until I arrived at the.... Detention room? Haha of course no! At my secret hideout!

I rested myself in the tree and see a wonderful view of the city.

I'm at the hidden place behind the school gate that I discovered yesterday. I think I'm the only one who knows this place.

Let me rest first. Fresh air! I said as I close my eyes.


It's been 2 hours before I escaped. And it's already boring.

I roamed around what will I do in this place.

I saw a nail. What will I do with this nail?!

I ran across the tree and right something in the skin.

' I'm in love' with a big heart around it.

A minute passed and the school buzzer buzzes and that means it's lunch time.

I ran at the cafeteria and see my best friend Yuna.

How's detention? She asked me.

Fine. I briefly answered. I secretly smiled at myself. Haha!!

To be continued..

Hidden Messenger | yang jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now