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Seohyun, here! I roamed my eyes inside the gym. I rolled my eyes as I see her waving at me with a teasing smile.

I rolled my eyes and go to her direction.

I sat at her side. Jungwon will perform today. She said with his incredible big mouth!

Every one looked at us. Can you shut up! Everyone might know my secret. Tss.

Okay, fi- the lights of the gym cut off her words. It's already dim and the girls are screaming in the sudden lights out.

What's going on? I whispered to her. By the way her name is Yuna, my best friend.

I don't know! Let's watch the next- Waaahhhh!!! There's a sudden lights on in the middle of the gym! Like what the?! Is this a surprise or what?!

There's a person who stands in the middle of the gym with a coat. The music starts and the person starts to dance.

Is that person a she or he? I asked again.

I really don't know. I think it's a he.

I looked at the person and I left dumbfounded when he get off his coat. It's- it's.....

Yuna looked at me with a teasing smile. It's Jungwon babe! Yes he is! And she laugh.

Like what the?! She knows that I will get numb when I see him. And she already know that it's him?!! Really?!

Did you already know that it's him?

Just look at him, so cool. She said without giving even a glance on me.

I looked at him, and yeah! He's so cool. He's dancing and facial expression. He's so handsome. And... And he's looking at me with his killer smile. He comes into my direction and he offers his hands in front of me. I'm about to accept when someone hold my other hand and shake-

Kim Seohyun! Wakeupandgetyourselfreadyfor
school, you sleepyhead!!!

I looked at my mom in front of me being a rapper again. Okay Mom. I said while looking at her boringly.

I directly go to the shower. So, it was just a dream?! I'm about to go dance with him! Noooooo!!!!!! I groaned as I'm doing my shower.

Seohyun! Palli!

Yes mom! Arghhhh!!


To be continued..

Hidden Messenger | yang jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now