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Our chat gets longer and longer as the days passed by so fast.

We're getting to know each other, but we really don't know who is who.

I mean I don't know him and he don't know me. You know, it's just like were chatting an unknown person, but he seems so comforting.

When I have a family problem, I will just tell him.

And he's said, I can call him bunny and I said he can call me Hyun. Hahaha!!

And of course, even if my hands hurt, as long as I chat him. It's really okay.

By the way, I'm forgetting Jungwon day by day because of him.


I enter the school gate and it really surprised me that I'm not late.

I walked at the hallway and my eyes suddenly gets watery even if I don't know why as I heard some gossips.

You know what, the big tree behind the gate will be cut off today.

And also, did you know that there's some messages.

Yes, my heart flutters as I read the chats.

I felt sorry for the two of them, starting today, their chats will be gone.

For me, it's really memorable for the two of them.

I ran and ran. I didn't care everyone is looking at me while my tears started to fall one by one.

My vision starts to get blurry as I continue to run.

As I arrived at the tree, everyone is reading at our chats.

Suddenly the school buzzer buzzes and the students started to walk away.

I hugged the tree.

At at the moment, someone is breathing heavily behind me.

I looked at him, and it's...


What are you doing here? He asked me.

Can I ask you the same? I said to him.

I'm always chatting here. He said.

My eyes suddenly widened as I realized that the boy who chatted with me all this time is my one and only Yang Jungwon.

So you're Hyun? He said.

And your Bunny? I said.

We stared at each other for a while, and a group of people approaches us.

Hello students, please go to your respective classroom now coz your class are about to start.

He looked at me and it seems like he will be the one to cut this tree.

But he widened his eyes as he saw Jungwon. I gasp when he bow at him.

So you already meet her huh? He looked at Jungwon with a teasing smile.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I really don't know what's going on.

Thanks dude. Jungwon smiled at him.

After a couple of seconds, the group of men walked away from us.

And me and Jungwon left here.

The air suddenly feels awkward so I just sit down looking at the wonderful view of the city.

Minutes passed and someone sat beside me.

So, yeah, I finally met you. He said while looking at the view.

Yeah, me too. I don't know that you're him. I said as I chuckle.

By the way, why did you know this place. He asked me without giving me a glance.

I'm always at the detention so instead of going there, I will go in here directly, You? I asked.

I'm always here sleeping in the trunk. I didn't know it's you but I saw someone writing something on the tree and I didn't know that it's you. So when you ran away, I jump up of the tree and replied to you. He said.

I just nods and gasps 'ahhhhhh'.

A moments of silence passed by, and suddenly something popped up to Seohyun's mind.


Ahmm- ah!! About the ahmmm.. the you know-

The confession? He cuts me off.

I looked at him and our eyes met, for the first time.

It's like, he's eyes is a magnet. I can't take my eyes off of him. Damn!

He smiled at me. Damn! HE SMILED TO ME!!!!!!

His fingers snapped in front of me and I'm back at my senses.

I looked away as I realized that I'm staring at him, all this time.

Since then, I really have a crush on you. You're popular and also beautiful. Your just my type of girl. He said while looking at me.

Ahhhmm- I don't know what to say.


And also- I looked at him when he said something again.

And also, I heard that you have a very huge crush on me since the first time you saw me. He said while smirking.

HOLY SH- HIS TEASING SMILE!! O to the M to the G AS IN OMG!!!!!!

Ah ye-no! Of course not! I said while covering face with my hand.

Are you sure? He ask with a very annoying tone.

Okay fine! I have a crush on you since then. And-

Wait! He cuts me off again! What's wrong with this man?

You don't have a crush on me! I looked at him confusedly.

Because YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH ME! he said with his KILLER SMILE!! DAMN!! I WANT TO DIE!!!

Of course ye-not!! I only l-like y-you! Yes! I on-only-



To be continued..

Hidden Messenger | yang jungwon ffWhere stories live. Discover now