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Jungwon, Jungwon, Jungwon, my baby Jungwon~

Ms. Kim Seohyun, what's wrong with you these days? You didn't evenisten to my lessons. Go to the detention now! I'm back at the reality when my teacher scolded me again.

I'm sorry. I bowed my head and leave. I don't know what's happening with me these days, too.

I ran and ran until I arrived at my secret hideout.

My eyes widened in shock when I saw something.

Someone replied me. I mean someone replied 'me too' below the ' I'm in love' which I wrote last day.

I looked for something sharp and I saw the same nail I used.

'Who?' I wrote and ran to the cafeteria. I don't care when someone saw me there even if there's a class. Haha!


Next day.

I don't listen to my teacher intentionally because I want to go to my secret hideout.

I'm always late every morning so that's why.

After I'm scolded to my teacher, I will ran again and guess what?!

She or he replied 'Kim Seohyun' and my eyes widened again in surprise.

He has a crush on me!!!! Damnnnnnnn!!!

'Mine is Yang Jungwon! He's cool' I replied even if until now, I'm still in disbelief that someone has a crush on me!


It's been 2 weeks since we chat to each other in that tree.

So after I confessed about my crush, he replied. 'Really?'

And I replied 'Yes! By the way, who are you?'

He replied 'I will give you a hint, I'm a dancer'

' I'm just a typical girl who is in love with Jungwon secretly'

My hands felt a little pain because the tree is so hard and I can't write properly.

' I hope I can see you soon ' he replied to me.

' me too' I replied.


Why are you so busy these days, and always go to detention? Yuna ask me as she chew her food.

I'm not busy, it's just, I don't know what's happening with me these days.. and always go to detention, every single day. I answered her.

She looked at me with the 'areyouseriouslook?' and I just nods at her.

She seems not to believe it but I'm trying, okay. I'm trying haha!!


To be continued..

Sorry it's so lame🙄🙇‍♀️🙏

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