C 3 ~ meeting new people part 2

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I thought it would take me awhile to get comfortable with Suga but three hours in the studio can really bring people together. Both of us were making fun of James the whole time it was the most time i laughed since who knows. It felt like we were only here for at least half an hour. We got take away while we were still working on this song. We were moving pretty fast the samples that Suga made we the most interesting yet unique sounds that I've ever worked with. I cant wait until its on a track and fully done. I'm really learning new things from him. 

Thats why I got into producing cause of James I met him through a family friend and I would help with ideas if I had time. I wouldn't say I'm an actual producer but he's been very interested in my work same goes with him and that's  why we became friends I mean our age gap is far apart but it hasn't affect our friendship. He's always been like my older brother in a way, I truly look up to him.

"Arabella you should come to Korea and meet everyone." Suga says laying down on the floor. while I'm sitting where Suga was sitting before hand. 

"Yeah I would love to but I got really can't take time off work." as I'm taking little snippets off and cutting, pasting and typing away. Trying to focus on getting the beat and rhythm perfect In the back track of the song. 

"ahh, I see do you produce other peoples music?" he questions 

Before I can say anything James answers for me. "She works in a clothing store." 

"Really?!" he says surprised. " You have a lot of talent why don't you make it into a career?"

" I don't know I guess I prefer the ordinary normal life it seems too much and full on." I shrug and continue on working my magic. 

"I've tired to get her to pursue in music producing but she won't. Once she says no she'll stick with it. I've been trying to get her to do it for years. 

"Well that's up to her if she doesn't want to do it that's her decision." suga responds. James doesn't say anything. Thank you that'll shut him up. 

"You know you guys can speak in your language I don't mind it kinda makes me feel bad that I  can't understand. " I turn around and stop to give me eyes a rest and look at James whiles he's on his phone and Suga has his eyes closed. They both look at me to process what I said. 

" I need to understand and speaking English and I want to learn and don't feel bad." Suga says as he shuts his eyes again. 

I hear a phone go off and turn the chair to see where its coming from. It was on the desk vibrating with hangul characters I think that's what James said I don't really listen to him half the time. I picked the phone and turn the chair around with my body. " Suga is this yours?"

"Neh. I mean yes." I pass it to him. 

He swipes his phone to answer the call. "excuse me I'm just going to take this call." He leave the room and shuts the door. 

I swirl my chair back to the computer and continue on doing what I know best, as I'm typing away I hear James yawn. "So what do you think of Suga?" he asks.

"Yeah he's nice." I reply 

"Just nice you were basically best buddies making fun of me." he pouts I laugh at him acting like a child. "It took you a three weeks for you to get use to me but it's taken you three hours to feel comfortable with him that's unfair don't you think." 

"No not at all." I simply say

" You aren't ev-" before this idiot could finish his sentence he's cut off from the door opening both looking at the door.

James says something in Korean and I have no idea what he says suga replied pouting. I smirked on how cute he looked "I'm always with them but they are all so annoying." James laughs and I'm still confused on what's happening. 

James looks at me reading my face expression. " oh um Suga's group is coming here they are already on there way to the dance studio so we are just going to meet them there." he explains 

I look at the time on my watch and its already five In the afternoon. " oh I can't I have an early start tomorrow." 

"I've already talked to your boss she said that you can have three days off. He smiles and I know that smile is evil, he knew I was trying to get out of meeting his group. Sometime I just want to punch him in the face. 

"You know just cause she has a crush on you doesn't mean you can just ask to take the days off for me. You cant just take advantage of her that." I groaned in annoyance. 

"Hey I didn't take advantage of her thank you." he says putting his hand up in defence.

I get up from the chair and about to through my phone at him but suga takes me out of my trance. " We gotta leave now if we want to get there in time." 

"okay lets go." Jame says as I look back at him and he gives me a wink. I death stare him and follow Suga out of the studio. and off we go to the dance studio. 


okay let me just say I have no idea what music producers do but they work pretty hard to give us the best music so shout out to them. 

again give us some love and comment I purple you. xx

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