Chapter 22 (Bo and Katherine's Wedding)

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Soon after John Lucas' first birthday, it became time for Bo and Katherine's wedding. The church had been decorated beautifully the night before, and Daisy, Sarah Lynn, and Katherine had prepared the meal and cleaned the house for the reception. Katherine had wanted John Lucas to be the ringbearer since he could walk now, but Sarah Lynn knew that wouldn't be a good idea, so Katherine had two of her cousins be the ringbearer and the flower girl. Sarah Lynn and Daisy were bridesmaids since Katherine didn't have any sisters, and Luke and Uncle Jesse were groomsmen. When it was time for the wedding to start, everyone lined up outside. Uncle Jesse and Daisy would be the first to go down the aisle, then Luke and Sarah Lynn, the flower girl and the ringbearer, and then Katherine and her father.
As Bo stood at the altar watching his bride walk down the aisle on her father's arm, he couldn't think of anyone more beautiful. She wore a gorgeous white lace dress with a train a mile long. As they took their vows and exchanged rings, Bo's heart over flowed with happiness.
When the wedding was over, Daisy, Sarah Lynn, Luke, Uncle Jesse, and of course little John Lucas left for the farm as quick as they could so they could get there before everyone else.
Soon, they all arrived. Daisy and Sarah Lynn had changed into regular clothes, and served the food. Luke took care of John Lucas.
That night, as Bo and his new bride drove away in the General Lee with cans clanking behind them, Luke realized that they were both married now. They were both gone. Daisy was the only one left, and then Uncle Jesse would be alone. It was sad, but he was so happy for Bo. He couldn't be prouder of his little cousin.

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