Chapter 7

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It was not the boys fault that life played this cruel sinister  joke on him. Nor was it his fault that a rose turned up in his garden. Not a rose that he could put on a shelf to brighten his house but a rose he was waiting for . A rose to take him from his deepest despair and make him alive again. A flower not on a painting on his wall but in his heart. He knew what he had to do but he didn't want to . He didn't want to trap her or to destroy her life but he couldn't take being alone any more. It was his lonely that made him do the unthinkable and he knew it was another demon he would have to face for the next years to come. How I wish I was there to stop him and show him that there was another way.
   The boys P.O.V

     After a few minutes of breakfast. I slowly left her table as she was deep in thought.  I can't believe Sebastian pooped on her hair. I told him I would have a visitor later . I couldn't tell her that she was pooped on by a special bird of mine. I'd leave that detail out .  Nor could I tell her of what I had to do .  I knew I had to keep her here . So I added something to her plate.

  The fruits from that tree at the end. I can't remember  what was in there , but I know it  will save me time.  I go to the gate where  she  always sees me standing from and  put the lock.  She won't be able to leave now . Even if she did . 

She'll come running back to me once she realizes what's actually happened.  I wasn't waving when she came around the house . It was a signal to leave . It was my way of telling her to go away. Yet, she kept coming . I thought maybe if I  went out to look at her . Then she would be afraid of me but that wasn't the case  either.

      If only she knew , she'd  never stay here . She wouldn't want to be trapped here . I wish I was free like a bird, like Sebastian or like herself and leave . But she came to me . She approached me. I didn't want any of this to happen. It was too soon. It's been years since I had someone love me .  I know the beast I become when I'm  hurt or heart broken. Yet, she still chose me . 

Like a flower petal she fell on this ground . Where I am, I only hope she can forgive me and forget her previous life. There is no going back after this .

   The boy, closed the gate and locked it shut . There was no way for the girl to leave now even if she wanted to.  He cast a spell that could not be undone.  What she didn't know was , the boy was not who he said he was..  he wasn't even here by choice  but by force.   

Something binds him to the garden. To the house that glittered  and shined when the sun hit it, no this was no bed time story. It's not a tale for little children. 

      The boy went back slowly to the house so he could see her. Maybe she would change his mind . Maybe he would see that she too was a monster by heart and  then he wouldn't have to in prison  her . 

He would rather be lonely than be with her so he slowly walked back to the house . Putting all the defenses back up that was his heart. 

As he reached the house , he remembered that she was in the forest so he took his time in the house to collect other things and try one more time if his rose was indeed the rose. 

I came back to the forest and i notice she was all cleaned up , did she see what I was doing  in the house ? Was she in the house even. It makes you wonder if this girl isn't as innocent as she seems. Wait I know what he did. 

  The boy realized the weird disfigured butter looking thing on her hair. Bird poop was not yellow but white. There was only one thing that was yellow in his whole living area and that was with Sebastian.

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