Red and Yellow (SpecialShipping)

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Before I begin, a word...

It has been AGES since I've written my last one-shot. I know that and I'm a terrible person, I'm so sorry if I kept anyone waiting! :P I've moved much further on in life though, but Pokemon will always remain very, very close to my heart. And to commemorate that, I'm writing this - IMO the cutest pairing in the entire manga series. 

Thank you to everyone who read my stories and found them interesting. Love you guys.

This story probably deviates a lot from the original, it has been ages since I've read Pokemon Adventures, so don't hate!

And now, without further ado...


Yellow shivered. So...cold...

"Hey, Red!" she scrambled to her feet. The silent trainer was heading towards the hot springs. She ran to keep pace with him.

She shuddered to think of what had happened to him. The terrible fight with the Elite Four, his frostbite...she hoped that someday Red would recover.

She was going to take care of him, she vowed. She would help him recover, to become the happy-go-lucky person he was before. 

He stopped at the edge of the hot spring and began to take off his shirt. Yellow turned her head away, blushing, and walked a few paces away, waiting for him to get fully immersed in the water. After a short while she walked over and sat down on the ground, a few paces from the edge of the spring. And she began to talk to him.

She talked to him of famous battles, of battles she herself had taken part in, of his PIkachu, of her worries about him, about anything - just to hear the sound of a human voice. But she wasn't getting through to him, she knew. He seemed to be closed off from her somehow.

She sighed inwardly, but continued to chatter on.


She loved to watch him train.

He was so powerful, the way his Pokemon implicitly obeyed him, fighting hard in the constant blizzards of Mt. Silver. He was close to his Pokemon, she knew, almost as if they were somehow mentally linked. They fought as a team, immeasurably powerful, and unstoppable. 

She let her mind go into a pleasant haze. Just being with him, while he was doing what he loved most...that was good enough for her.

And then...

She was completely unprepared.

Red's Lapras raised its head in the air as it prepared to use Ice Beam...but at the last second, Pikachu Volt Tackled it and it lost control, spinning around on the ice. The Ice Beam hit her.

She was instantly enveloped by waves of cold, and she fell unconscious.


She opened her eyes. She was in the hot springs, her clothes completely soaked, but...she was somehow alive.

Red was sitting next to her, his eyes closed, his head tilted back. He seemed to be asleep.

Yellow realized what had happened. He had carried her here to the hot springs to defrost her, and kept her in the hot water to heal her frostbite, just like what happened to him.

Although her body still ached, she cuddled close to him with a smile on her lips. She closed her eyes.

Then she felt his arm go around her, and her heart fluttered. She opened her eyes, and Red was looking down at her. 

She felt a shock as she saw he was smiling.

Then his face drew closer, covering her field of vision...and he kissed her.

The kiss was everything she had dreamed it would be...perfectly magical, dreamy. She smiled into the kiss. Life was good, she thought to herself. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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