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Warning ⚠️ mentions of puke ⚠️

No ones P.O.V

When Rai Ouma finally got Kokichi to calm down he arrived at the cafeteria as someone walks in with food when the plates are put down on the table, everyone else walks in and takes a seat. Rai puts Kokichi on a seat and sits next to him. The person Rai was sitting next to was Kiibo. Rai turns his head to face Kiibo.
"So where are we?" Rai asked, getting Kiibo's attention. Kiibo hesitated to answer for a while before saying,
"I really don't want to scare you but we're in a killing game"
Kokichi looked around at everyone guessing who was more likely to kill someone, not really feeling afraid. Yet. After a while he moved his hand to the food in front of him, and picking up the sloppy joe that was in front of him it had tater tots and some bread on the side. Rai and Kokichi, not having manners began gobbling it down as if they haven't eaten in years. They both made a big mess with the sloppy joe, the meat that was in between the buns would sometimes slip out and fall on the plate or the table. Rai Ouma began eating the tater tots as Kokichi was just finishing his sloppy joe.
"Slow down" Kiibo reminded, with some obvious concern in is voice, "You might choke."
They didn't listen and continued gobbling down their food, it was obvious they were very hungry. Almost everyone around them stared at them with disgust while they ate their food.
"Of course a stupid degenerate male has no manners." Tenko rudely says as she picks up her bread. Rai Ouma looked up from his food and gave Tenko the stink eye before finishing his food and waiting for his little brother to finish. When Kokichi finished his tater tots he started eating his bread.
"Why are you guys eating like you haven't eaten in ages?" Kaito asks, Kokichi ignores and finishes his bread but still feeling hungry he looks at Gonta, who was sitting next to Kokichi. Kokichi points at Gonta's bread, Gonta instantly knew what the small child wanted and put the bread in his plate. The grape smiled at Gonta and said, "Thank you." Before gobbling that down too. Kaito felt annoyed that Kokichi ignored him and got up to walk to him and ask again, before Kaito could get to Kokichi, Rai Ouma stood up and put Kokichi on his back and ran out of the cafeteria to explore more the school some more, Kiibo who was taking care of them for the day was right behind them.
"Why were you guys eating so fast, were you that hungry?" Kiibo asked as Rai Ouma slowed down a bit so he could walk next to Kiibo.
"No reason" Rai Ouma said, Kiibo knew that there was a reason but he didn't want to pry too much.
"Maybe you can tell me later?" Kiibo asked, smiling.
"No way." Rai Ouma said, also muttering a robophobic remark under his breath so Kiibo couldn't hear, but the robot heard anyway and yelled,
"You robophobe!"
Rai Ouma smiled at the robot and started running to explore more, Kokichi whispered to Rai Ouma, 'please slow down' Kokichi whispered, Rai Ouma nodded his head and Kokichi rested his head on his big brothers shoulder. When Kiibo caught up to them Kokichi picked his head up, off of his brother shoulder and turned his head towards the robot.
"Is there a library?" Kokichi asked, Kiibo nodded and pointed the direction of the library. They all hurried and entered the library, Kokichi tried getting off of Rai Ouma's back but his older brothers grip was too strong, Rai Ouma knew that Kokichi still wasn't strong enough to walk or even stand on his own. As Kokichi was still trying to get off of his brothers back, Kiibo looked around to see who was there, Shuichi Saihara was looking for a book, Kaito was right next to Shuichi suggesting books about space to him and Angie who was reading a book that was about Atua. Rai Ouma and Kiibo walked up to all the books but when Rai Ouma, the bigger grape did he loosened his grip enough to let Kokichi get out and stumble around. Kokichi walked up to Angie and sat down in front of her.
"What's th-that?" The small grape asked, pointing to the book in Angie's hands, Angie looked up from her book and gave the child in front of her a sweet smile, as Rai Ouma started to notice Kokichi was gone he started looking around.
"It's a book about Atua!" Angie replies.
"Who is Atua?" Kokichi's asks, putting his hand that was pointing as Angie's book down. Angie put her book down to explain but Rai Ouma walked over to Kokichi and picked him up and started walking towards the books again.
"Your still weak, Kokichi don't go walking off on your own." Rai Ouma scolded. Kokichi completely ignored the scolding and picked out a book to read. Rai Ouma sat Kokichi on the floor and sat next to him.
"Rai!" Kokichi says, "Can I read this to you?"
"Yes, Yes you can." Rai Ouma answers and smiles at his younger brother, who begins to read. Shuichi put down his book and looked around, seeing that Kokichi was reading an adult book to his older brother, with only some troubles you could say it was amazing that a 5 year old could read an adult book with barely any troubles. Shuichi put down his book and went up to the children. Kokichi looked up from his book and looked at Shuichi, Rai Ouma was already giving him the stink eye.
"Hello!" Kokichi says, making one hand let go of the book to wave.
"H-hello" Shuichi replies, "how a-are you doing?"
"Good!" Kokichi answers as he stands up, his legs shaking some. The taller grape was about to pick up Kokichi but Kokichi grabbed Rai Ouma's arms and put them behind Rai's back. Kokichi turns towards Shuichi and grabs Shuichi's hand to shake it.
"W-Who are yoooooou?" Kokichi's asks.
"Sh-shuchi Saihara." He stuttered, "s-so h-how can you read a book l-like that?"
"Rai taught me h-how to read!" Kokichi's says, holding up his book to Shuichi. Shuichi's eyes trailed down to Kokichi's neck, seeing the cuts. 'Maybe it would be alright to ask about it?' Saihara thought, Rai Ouma knew what he was thinking and put a hand over Shuichi's mouth.
"Don't. Ask." Rai Ouma said, giving Shuichi a stern look. Kokichi turned his head to look at his brother.
"Ask about what?" Kokichi questions. Rai Ouma ignores Kokichi's question and tells Shuichi to shoo.

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