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Hi guys, sorry but I was busy with school. Hope I can continue making you guys happy


Spartans POV

 “Triss! We need tho get Karren back here!” I shouted, firing of bursts from my small MP9, emptying my clip into a soldier eager to throw in a grenade.

“But Spartan, theres too much fire.” Triss yelled back, “Not much our pistols can do in the way of cover fire.”

“Get me and sprayer bigger guns we can do it!” Archer yelled.

“Ill fix that.” I said, and before they could stop me I ran out to the body of the soldier and dragged it back, chased by bullets. When I was back in safety I threw the body towards Sprayer and Archer. “Archer, take that fagots rifle, Sprayer take the RPG and blow up any mg or sniper nest u see. Now go!” and as I yelled this I jumped out and ran towards my fallen comrade. Wen I got there and dragged her behind a low wall.

“Nice guys, wait a minuet before I come back.” I called over the small radios we all carried. I then turned my attention towards Karren. I saw that she had a terrible wound in her left calf. Blood stained her cloths and seemed to be dripping out of her leg. I put my hand around her leg and felt there was an exit wound, twice the side of the entrance wound. Suddenly her head moved slowly to look at me.

“Spartan…” she sounded weak so I made her stop. “rest, can you heal yourself?”

She looked at me, “I-I was shot by the same bullet that Logan was. But why am I not dyeing?”

“Maybe cause it went straight through, Logan’s stayed in the wound. So instead of dying, it just weakens you.”

“I-I need some blood” she said as her eyes slowly started to close

without thinking I grabbed a small poket knife from my belt, put ir to my arm and slide it across. I gritted my teeth and held my arm over her mouth and left it slowly drip into her mouth. Instantly the life seemed to return to her body, tho only slightly.

“Ok, fire now!” I ordered, standing up and putting Karren over my shoulders, running back to safety. I made it to the safety of the church and put her down.

“When will the evac get here?!” I yelled at the General

“5 mikes.” He said, “she needs blood doesn’t she?”

“How’d you know sir?” I asked

“Shes a vampire. She needs blood to function and quiet simply it was going to happen some day.”

“We should get out of her!” Sprayer yelled just as another rocket propelled grenade flew through the door and exploded against the back wall. As the smoke cleared a roaring noised cut through the air, followed by a massive explosion as a Russian made T-76 tank smashed in through the church’s wall, cannon turning towards them. But before anything could happen, a sudden blur of movement and the entire front of the tank seemed to buckle under a terrible force. Dust billowed out obscuring the tank.

“What the fuck?” someone yelled. I looked around to make sure everyone was ok.

“Wheres Karren?” Triss asked. I looked down and cursed.

“Look, over by the tank.” The general said. I turned to see a shadow walking towards us. But this wasn’t a human one. It was more hunched over. More…skeletal.

“Holy shit is that…” I breathed as the face came into sight. It was Karrens but it was bone white. She smiled, showing her rows of canines.

“Here I am. I want to kill those who attacked us. I will annihilate them!” She yelled, jumping off into a lumber like that of a chimp, eyes blazing.

“Stay out her way. She has gone to her vampire side. She will soon become human again, but she will kill everything out there, friend or foe.” He said. I looked at him, “Tell the evac not to come. I think we will get out of here on our own.”

1 hour later

“Has it quietened down yet?” Archer asked, looking out the window.

“I think so.” I said. A knock at the door sounded. Gun safety clicked off. “Come in I guess” I said, standing up. The door slowly opened and standing there was Karren with one of those space blankets

“My cloths don’t regenerate with my skin.” She said meekly as she walked in, slumping against the wall.

“Are you ok?” I asked as the group gathered around.

“Yeah, I’m ok.” She said, “Just resting.”

“lets go guys.” Sprayer said. I nodded and we all got up. Triss put her arm around Karren as we walked out to the cars. We all got into one. And as we pulled out the radios started barking out as the first units arrived.

Time skip

“Hey Karren, is there anything you want us to get you?” Triss asked as we pulled up outside her house.

“No. You guys have already done enough for me.” She said, stepping out, still wearing just that space blanket.

“Do you want Triss to go in with you, make sure your ok?” I said to her.

“Ok yeah. Thanks guys, for everything.” She smiled and walked to the door. Triss opened it for her and they both walked in. a couple of minuets later Triss walked out and back to the car.

“How is she?” I asked, starting the car.

“Sleeping. Shes sleeping.” She said distractedly, “Did you know shes pregnant?”

“No!” I said in a stunned amazement. Pregnant? Wow this must be hard for her I thought.


Hi guys. As I said I haven’t been to motivated to write. Ill get my next chapter out soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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