• War

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Clint,Wanda,Pietro and Peter sat behind their font inside a room that Clint said was especially for prank wars.

Clint gave Peter a mask to cover his face.-"Don't be scared...shoot who ever shoots you from the other side and don't worry no body will say a thing."

They heard the door open and Thor came bursting through it.-"Help!"

"Traitor!"-Bruce was yelling behind him.

"Please take me in your crew!"-Thor said with some puppy eyes.

"Come in!"-Peter said behind his mask.

"Who is the new guy?"-Thor said loading a gun.

"Benjamin!"-Wanda said loading hers.

"Where is the hammer?"-Pietro asked.

Thor raised his hand and waited for the hammer to come.-"It usually takes a second.!"-The hammer came and Peter looked at it fascinated.-"Do you want to hold it?"-Thor asked Peter.

"Can I!?"-Peter said forgetting that not everyone else could hold it.

"Yeah give it a try Ben!"-Pietro cheered him as Clint took his camera out to film this as he had a devilish smile on him.

"Yeah give it a try Ben!"-Pietro cheered him as Clint took his camera out to film this as he had a devilish smile on him

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Thor handed it to Peter and waited for his hand to fall among with the hammer.But come on!He is Spiderman!Peter rolled it over to take a closer look at the hammer.

"Omg!This is so cool!Why is it so light though?"-Peter asked but than looked at all the shocked faces in the font.And than It hit him.Shit shit shit shit!-"Wait!"

"Benjamin is worthy?"-Pietro asked and Clint closed the camera mouthdroped.

"I can explain!"-Peter said but then the rest of the avengers came in and he just threw the hammer in the ground and took his gun.-"Please don't tell the others!"

But it was too late.Thor inhaled.-"BENJAMIN IS WORTHY!"

"Who the hell is Benjamin!"-Bucky said and than looked at the masked boy.

Peter took out his mask.-"Hi!"-He said shyly.

"The coffee guy!"-Steve said.

"Yeep!"-He said popping the P at the end.

"Oww he is cute!Can we keep him!"-Bucky said again.

"Bucky nO!"-Steve said.-"Are you ready to fight in a war with us!?"

"Totally!"-Peter said and pulled the black mask back on taking his gun and running to the font.

"Okay!Be ready to be killed !"-Nat said and took a gun from the shelf.

"Let's make this place like Russia!"-Pietro yelled and clicked his gun.

Stephen and Tony entered from a portal.-"You are starting without us?"

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