Chapter 7

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Theo was hanging around his bed, a book in his hand when Draco and Blaise walked in. Draco had a disappointed look as he just went straight to bathroom, changed and fell on his bed while Blaise sat across Theo, giving him an Explain look.
Theo chuckled, punching Draco's arm.

Draco looked at him wierdly and Blaise rolled his eyes.

" Don't worry mate. We're not dating. It's just a show in front of the Durmstrang guy who's been staring at her all day. We'd never date. You should know that already. " Theo says and Draco turned red. Blaise burst out laughing and Draco just huffed.


" What's with Snape? " Emma asked as Snape led them through corridors, reaching the Transfiguration class.

" Maybe about Tournament. " Y/n says and Emma nodded. They walked in, noticing Gryffindors lined up on both sides, boys and girls.

Y/n walked in line as they stood in front of the Gryffindor girls, who just hissed and sneered at them, Slytherins doing the same. Y/n, though , gave everyone a sweet and genuine smile she met eyes with, causing them to soften their reaction.

" Attention! " McGonagall says and Y/n looked at her.

" The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since it's inception, " She starts, looking at a few students.

" On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school, I expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because, the Yule Ball is, first and foremost, a dance. " She completed causing excited squeals murmurs to errupt by the girls and groans from the boys while Y/n just sighed. She had no problem with dancing, what she was worried about now was a date.
If it's a ball, you should have a date. She had no problem going there with a book in her hands but that'd be very inappropriate.

" Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor and Salazar Slytherin has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. " She says and Y/n quitely giggled.

As she thought of saying that repeatedly in her head, she saw the twins already doing that. She winked at them both and the boys bowed slightly, causing her to smile warmly at them. The Gryffindor girls watched amused Y/n and the twins interacting, ignoring Ron getting embarrassed, dancing with McGonagall.

" On your feet. " McGonagall says and girls stepped up excitedly while boys hid their faces, except Neville, who stepped up. Y/n on the other hand, was just sitting there, not giving a shit unless she got a cold glare from Snape and a hand infront of her. She looked at the person and smiled. She recalled Pickket was still in her dorm and cursed under her breath.

" I'm stepping on your toes. " She states, taking his hand. Draco laughed.

" Sure. " He says as they fell into steps with the rythem.

" So, why were you so dull last night? " Y/n asks, her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands gently placed on her hips.

" I was being an idiot. " He states and Y/n laughed, throwing her head back slightly.

" You don't have to do anything to be an idiot. " Y/n hints causing Draco to roll his eyes playfully, the smile not leaving his lips.

They swayed with the music, forgetting about Pansy and some other girls glaring at her for dancing with the Slytherin Prince, and some watched surprised.

As the music ended, McGonagall informed everyone to get a date and dismissed them. Y/n grabbed Emma's arm, as they walked out of the class and Emma grinned.

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