Chapter 8

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I was currently running from this guy who wants to ask me to the Yule Ball. It's been the same whole last week. I've been running from quite a few guys as Emma said.

I finally found Draco by the entrance if the Great Hall and sighed. I headed straight to him, Pansy clinged on his arm glared st me while Draco was constantly trying to get her off.

" Draco! " I stated, out of breath.

" What's going on? " He asks, managing to get Pansy off of him.

" Just come with me. " I stated and Theo gave me a wierd look. I shook my head at him and Draco frowned, falling in steps with me.

" What's wrong? You seem tensed! " He says and I nodded.

" I'm just trying to get away from this guy and he wants to ask me to the Ball. " I stated and Draco burst out laughing.

" Again? " He asks, still laughing and I glared at him.

" This is not funny, unless you want me to say yes. " I stated and his laughter died an instant death.

" Why? " He asks, his voice octave.

" I can't just say no. He has to see me with my date. " I said and internally cringed at my tone on date.

" Oh! Who is it? " He asks and I sighed.

" Some Durmstrang! " I stated and realised I've been dragging Draco. My arms were wrapped around his hand and everyone was staring wide eyed.

" Shit! That's him. Just ignore. " I stated as we turned another corridor, trying to ignore him. As I thought we finally lost him, we reached Courtyard and I huffed.

" Why do people notice me so much? " I ask, sitting on the bench.

" Why is that even a question? " Draco mimicks and I rolled my eyes.

" Who am I asking? Never mind. " I stated and he chuckled.

" Seriously? You can just say sorry but I've already got a date a week ago. " He says and I sighed.

" I don't like seeing the look on their
faces. " I huffed and looked at the water in the fountain. It was wierd how everyone was looking at us. As if they knew something and I didn't but I couldn't figure it out. I asked Emma, she said "You figure it out yourself."
What is that supposed to mean? I leaned in, noticing the fishes closely as they swam. It was a beautiful scene.

" Oh, look! " I pointed to one fish, that was green. Draco leaned in closer, causing me to hold my breath.

" That's a green one! " He points and I grinned, taking out my wand.

" What are you doing? " He asks and I grinned. Waving my wand simply at the fish, it's clolour changed to Green and Silver. He chuckled from beside me and a smile tugged my lips.

" This is better. " I stated, turning around and my smile faded.

" Hi! " I stated, my voice confused. Draco turned to him too.

" Can you give us a minute? " He asks Draco and Draco frowned.

" Why? " Draco asks, clearly irritated.

" I want to ask her something. " He says and Draco shook his head.

" Hate to break it, but she's going with me. She's just too polite to decline. " Draco says and I glared at him.

" Well, I want to see her answer. You're not her boyfriend to say things on her behalf. " He says, with a fake laugh and I widened my eyes.

Where the hell is this leading?

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