Six: Cruelty

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All eyes were on them the moment they opened the door. Makoto wished he could blame them. Mondo and Taka were obviously dating but hadn't come out yet, and Aoi's crush on Sakura was painfully evident, but other than that, they were the only gay couple in the class – hell, probably in all of Hope's Peak. Of course people were going to talk.

Makoto's face was on fire. He was used to being stared at these days, but those looks were ones of pity. These were intense, probing. Like everyone in the room was trying to figure him out.

Byakuya put a hand on Makoto's shoulder, and he flinched. He turned around and braced for some kind of beratement, like it was somehow his fault that everyone was looking at them like they were aliens. That would be just like him...

"Whatever they say, ignore them. They're just lowly fools. Their opinions don't matter."

Makoto blinked. "Uh, yeah. Thanks!"

"Well, well, well. The queers have arrived."

The two of them stiffened. The voice was obnoxious, nasally. They knew instantly who it belonged to. Hifumi Yamada.

"I didn't think you'd show up at school today," he continued, standing up from his desk and pacing around the room. "Thought you'd be too busy gaying each other. You know, it's homos like you that ruin love for the rest of us!"

Aoi was trembling with anger. "Just say the word, Makoto," she said through gritted teeth. "I'll send this idiot to kingdom come!"
"I..." Makoto cleared his throat. Tears had begun to well up in his eyes. "It's fine. Let's just ignore him."

"Ah, a tactical retreat? Most wise, given your current position." Celestia Ludenburg spoke up, poised as ever. "However, I must agree with Hifumi. You two are simply... unnatural."

Makoto closed his eyes. He had been afraid this would happen but hadn't wanted to believe it. Everyone was turning against them. It was all over...

Then he heard footsteps. Byakuya, slowly striding over to Celeste, towering over her. "Don't you dare talk about us that way, you filthy creature," he growled. "Makoto may just be another idiot commoner, but he's leagues above moronic bigots such as yourself."

Celeste looked down, scared, regretful. Byakuya nodded and began to walk away.

If the room hadn't been deathly quiet no one would've been able to hear it. But as Byakuya took his seat, Celeste lifted her head and muttered one word under her breath. Not even a word, a slur, one too extreme to write here.

Byakuya turned around slowly. The room was silent. All eyes were focused on the drama in front of them. "What did you say."

All traces of fear (fabricated, Makoto realized in retrospect) had left Celeste's face. She was as calm and composed as ever. "Did you not hear me?" she asked politely. "Would you like me to repeat it? Or do you need no more reminder of who the filthy creatures in this room really are?"

"No, that's wrong!"

Makoto had stepped forward, pointing a finger accusingly. "Byakuya was just trying to stick up for me. He might act kind of mean, but he's a good person. Who cares that we're both boys? We love each other, and you're not gonna stop us!"

He hadn't meant to say that. He hadn't meant to say anything at all. But when he saw Byakuya, his classmate, his friend, getting harassed like that, he couldn't help stepping in.

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