Author's Note

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Fun fact: I had the idea for this at midnight while desperately trying to get to sleep. Never expected it'd turn into a whole-ass story.

This marks the second full-length fanfiction I've actually finished in my entire life. I cried at multiple points while writing it (not because I'm a super moving author, just because literally everything makes me cry and also this book was way more angsty than what I'm used to writing), and overall I had a lot of fun working on it. Hopefully you enjoyed reading it as well.

Feel free to comment any constructive criticism. Or regular criticism. Believe me, I don't get yelled at enough and my ego could seriously use some deflation, so come at me.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think one of my kittens just knocked down the printer, so now I get to go explain that to my parents. Yay.

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