Ten: Empathy

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Makoto Naegi stood on the edge of the school roof, silent tears streaming down his face.

A small crowd had gathered below. Even as high up as he was, he could make out a few faces. Aoi, looking as betrayed as she had when he'd talked to her just moments ago. Toko, looking confused and conflicted. Hifumi, looking almost triumphant.

The school building was four stories high. Just one step off the edge, and it would all be over. Sayaka's mistake was that she had gotten caught on a ledge halfway down, but the side of the building Makoto had chosen didn't have any ledges like that. Just one step, and he would get what he deserved.

His parents and Komaru would be devastated, but after they read the note they would understand. They would realize that Makoto had only done what needed to happen. And Byakuya... he didn't know how Byakuya would feel, but he knew he would get over it. He might have opened up a bit since they'd started fake dating, but he was sure that he didn't care about him too much. How could he? This was Byakuya Togami, devoid of compassion, devoid of empathy. The few people who would miss him would be too disgusted by what he'd done to care that much.

But he couldn't do it. He couldn't make himself take that step off the edge. In fact, when an especially strong breeze threatened to knock him off, he actually leaned back to steady himself. Why? What was he waiting for? He knew that even if he deserved to go on living his life would be hell after this. Nobody would forgive him, and he wouldn't blame them for it. He'd consider choosing to live with his actions as his more deserving outcome if it wouldn't mean that everyone around him would continue to be tortured by the monster he'd become.

He closed his eyes. If he closed his eyes he wouldn't have to see the world rushing up to meet him. He could take a step off the edge without thinking about it. Just one step...


The shock of the voice almost sent him over the edge. He turned around on shaky legs. It was Byakuya, looking like he'd never seen him before. Desperate. Vulnerable.

"Makoto, come down this second. Don't you see that you're just running from what you've done?" he asked, his voice unsteady. "If you're a half-decent human, you'll come down and explain yourself."

The empty pit in Makoto's chest grew. "I guess this just proves how bad of a person I am, huh? Don't worry. You won't have to deal with me anymore after this."

"You don't have to be a bad person!" Byakuya shouted. "You can choose to make things right. It's not too late."

"But I do. Because I am. I'm not strong enough to do the right thing. All I can do is this." He spread his arms out. "Why are you even fighting me on this? It's a good outcome for you. You don't have to pretend to date me anymore. You've already accomplished your goal. Toko has been leaving you alone, and if I die there'll be no need to make sure she doesn't get suspicious. You won't even have to date another guy after me to keep up the act because you can use your grief as an excuse. So why... why do you not want me to jump?"

He was right. Byakuya knew he was right. The best logical option would be to let Makoto fall. After that, everything would be easy. So why did he feel like screaming? Why was his heart breaking in half?


Makoto looked at Byakuya and saw that he was starting to cry. Why? Byakuya doesn't care about anybody. Why is he crying over me?


That was a word he'd never expected to come out of Byakuya's mouth. He stared. No way. Does he actually...

"I need you!"

Tears streamed down Byakuya's face as he continued. "I've never felt this way about anyone before. I've never really cared about anyone before. When I'm with you, I feel so happy. You're the only thing that can make me feel like that. I can't lose that. I can't afford to lose you."

Despite the situation, despite everything, Makoto smiled. "You can find other people. Now that you've opened up to me, it should be easy. You'll sure find people who are a lot less selfish and horrible than me."

Byakuya shook his head. "You don't understand. You... you're special. You're kind and you're caring and you always have a smile on your face and you never let anything get to you. You're the complete opposite of me. You're the best person I've ever met."

"If that's true, then why did I drive a girl to suicide?"

"Makoto, that wasn't your fault! You were only trying to help! She made her own decision!" He wiped his eyes, but the tears didn't stop coming. "You would never do that to anyone. I know because I know you, and... I care about you. I really do."

Both of their hearts were breaking more with every second. "Please," Byakuya begged. "Don't leave me. You're all I have."

"We both know that isn't true. You're freaking rich! You're rich, and handsome, and you've got a good heart. You could have any guy you wanted."

"I know. I know I have more than anyone could ever ask for. But none of that matters. Everything else is replaceable, meaningless. You're... you're the one thing I can't afford to lose."

"Why do you even care about me so much?" Makoto screamed. "Why me? Out of everyone, why me?"

"Because I love you!"

They stared at each other.

"Yes," Byakuya continued, "I love you. You're... you're annoying and you're dull and you're pathetic, and so frustrating... but those are some of the best things about you. You never stop trying to make me seem like a better person than I really am. You thank me for things I don't even realize I'm doing. You're hopelessly optimistic to the point where it drives me insane. Don't you get it? Even the worst parts of you are beautiful, and that's why... that's why I fell in love with you."

They stood, crying silently, looking into each other's eyes. Then Makoto took a step.

He stepped down, onto the solid ground of the school roof.

The moment he touched down he crumpled to the ground, looking completely shaken. Byakuya was by his side in an instant, holding him as tightly as he could. "If you ever scare me like that again," he whispered, "I will destroy you. Do you understand?"

Makoto wiped his eyes, then closed them, and before Byakuya realized what was happening, their lips had connected, and they were kissing, still holding onto each other like it was the end of the world.

When they finally broke away, Makoto was smiling. "I love you too, you stuck-up bastard. I love you with all my heart."

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