Anger {Klefan}

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Angry Fluff!

Third Person's Point of View

"Leave me the fuck alone Klaus!" Stefan yells.

"How can you say that to me?" Klaus questions.

"I can say whatever the fuck I want to you right now! I am so pissed at you!" Stefan shouts.

"Why?" Klaus asks.

"Well, there's a list of reasons,"

"Tell me," Klaus demands.

"That's not gonna work on me anymore Klaus and you know it," Stefan says.

Klaus vamp speeds to Stefan and pushes him up against the wall. Klaus kicks Stefan's legs apart and places his knee under Stefan's dick. Klaus grabs Stefan's hands in one of his and brings them above Stefan's head.

"Tell me, now," Klaus demands but not compelling.

"First you compel me to forget you, then you play some game with Caroline, next you force me to drink human blood when you know what it does to me, then you compelled me to rip Elena's throat out, you drew a fucking picture for Caroline of her, you also killed so many people, and you waited so fucking long to make me remember you!" Stefan cries.

"Stefan," Klaus says.

"No! I get you making me forget to protect me from Mikael but you've been with me for months, for months! And you still had me compelled! How could you?!" Stefan shouts.

"Because I did some terrible things to your friends and the people you love and I didn't want to know if your love for me faded," Klaus says.

"Now, you may never know," Stefan says.

Stefan uses all of his strength to push Klaus off of him. he heads to the door but Klaus vamp speeds in front of Stefan to stop him from leaving.

"You're not leaving, not like this. We need to talk about this," Klaus says.

"Okay so fine. the only way I can forgive you is if you apologize," Stefan says.

"How?" Klaus asks.

"I can think of a few ways," Stefan smiles.

Stefan walks close to Klaus and wraps his arms around Klaus's neck grabbing his hair and just barely touching his lips to Klaus'.

"Oh really? I can do that,"

"Great!" Stefan shouts and pulls away.

"Wait, what," Klaus wonders.

"Oh well, now you are going to apologize to everyone you hurt, and then you are going to take the daggers out of the rest of your family," Stefan says.

"What? That's not what you were talking about," Klaus whines.

"Yes, it was,"

"You used your body to trick me," Klaus complains.

"Not my problem that all you think about is sex," Stefan laughs.

"Well, fine. I'll apologize, love," Klaus scoffs.


"Now, can we get back to having sex?" Klaus asks.

Stefan slams Klaus's body into the wall and pushes their lips together. Klaus responds to the intense kiss and flips them over so he is holding Stefan's body against the wall.

Stefan pulls from Klaus's mouth, "Oh, and this time, I'm fucking you,"

"Oh bloody hell," Klaus groans.

"it's going to happen or you're cut off," Stefan says.

"From what?" Klaus asks.


"That's not fair," Klaus whines.

"Yes, it is," Stefan smiles.

"Fine, whatever. Let's just get back to making out love," Klaus says.

"Great idea,"

They continue their makeout session. Neither of them noticed that Caroline was watching the whole thing and she smiles at them. She never would have thought that they were together but she always saw the slight glances Klaus would give Stefan. Caroline had no idea that Stefan or Klaus are attracted to guys or that Stefan was a bottom. She just wished that she could've slept with both of them before they got back together. 

Number of Words: 600+

Published: I don't remember😂

a/n: There's a part 2 to this!

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