Third Reich x Ghoul Reader (Pt.1)

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Right so, this one-shot is "Third Reich x Ghoul Reader", don't question it. I've just had this idea in my mind for, like, forever so I want to get it out of my head.
(It's a ghoul from Tokyo Ghoul)

Anyway let's get on with the story xD
~ First POV ~
I was in the woods, it was dark and eerie. I kept running.. running from something, I didn't know what it was but something was chasing me. I was scared, I didn't know what to do but then there was a tall tree in front of me. I ran for that tree and I managed to latch onto it at the right time to confuse the thing that was chasing me to keep running.

I took a deep breath and calmed down, I looked at the way the thing went. 'It was probably just an angry deer' I thought, oh how wrong I was.
My eyelids began to close as I leaned against the tree. It suddenly felt like a warm comfy bed and I fell asleep.

~ time skip ~

When I woke up I wasn't sure where I was but then I remembered what happened the last night. I don't remember much but I do remember that I was somewhere in Germany. I thought it would be a good idea to keep moving so nothing gets me.

I climbed down from the tree and walked down the path in a random direction, I don't know where I'm going but I beginning to crave... meat... anyway! I saw a big camp type of thing, it wasn't that big but it had tents and a few campfires.

I was hungry and wanted... precious meat... I jogged towards the camp in a hurry, my mouth began filling up with saliva from the anticipation of the sweet, sweet, taste of humans. My left eye turned black with a red pupil as well as veins coming from it.

I ran and jumped towards the closest person whilst my kagune burst from my back, I heard a few girly screams when I bit into the person's shoulder. "What a wuss," I mumbled. I ripped off the person's shoulder skin whilst blood spewed everywhere. It. Was... MAGICAL. I let out an ear-piercing laugh.

Someone grabs my shoulder.
"What?.." I turn around and look at them dead in the eye. It was a man with a white circle in the middle of his face and his skin, was.. red? How can someone's skin be red??

As these thoughts were rolling in my mind I heard the man in front of me (the one holding your shoulder) shout "Hol ihre Jungs!" (get her boys!) A bunch of people came at me. Some with guns, others with handcuffs. They managed to chain up my kagune in time before I could seriously hurt someone. People shot my legs to try and get my knees to buckle and make me fall.

I felt a strike to my head, pain surged through my body and I fell. My vision began to get blurry and I felt like I was spinning, black dots began to appear then everything went dark...
I hope you enjoyed this! This is my first book personally requested by myself

Luna Out!

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