Russia x Reader

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Requested by: _CookieGoonie

This is such a good idea, I clapped after I read it. AaaaH!
Also, I'm experimenting with the first and third person, I don't know if I want to use you or I. We will use I for this one

It was your average day in the trio's house, Germany was away at a business meeting, America was in the kitchen with Japan plotting a scheme, but what was it? We'll get to that later. Russia was on the couch with you chilling whilst watching tv, not paying attention to what was going on since you were bored.
"Ay yo! Russia, what should we do?" I asked Russia as I turned to face him
"Does it look like I know? I'm just playing with my ushanka.." Russia looked bored as he looked at the hat that was in his hands. One finger was twiddling with some of the fluff whilst the other was tracing over the red star. I huffed as I fell backwards onto my back.

~ in the kitchen ~
America and Japan were talking about a scheme that would allow Russia and (Y/n) to smooch. America and Japan would always point out how the two looked cute together, they'd just brush it off with tiny blushes and look away from each other. This was going to change today.
"Alright, Jap. You got the cookies in the oven on max heat?" America asked the feline,
"Why wouldn't I??" She said as she turned to America with an exciting look "this is going to be so exciting!!" Japan began to jump up and down as Ame just had a slight smirk on his face.. we won't question what he is thinking...

~ back to you ~
I was still grumpy about Russia not knowing what to do and I began to sit up
"What if we-" the smoke alarm began to blare around the house as I jumped in shock, Russia was up and alert as he ran to the kitchen. I ran in after him.
"What the fuck is the meaning of this?!" I said as I ran towards the oven and opened the hatch, smoke came out as I coughed and got an oven mitten. As I reached in I could hear Russia yelling at America and Japan. I took out the cookies and got a cloth and asked Russia to get the smoke away from the smoke alarm as I opened the window.

I turned to Russia as the smoke alarm stopped, America and Japan were positioned perfectly behind you.
"Phew, finally it stopped- AHH!" I yelled as I fell forward towards Russia, it looked like I would miss him by an inch so I braced for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes and discovered that I was in Russia's soft embrace, he looked down upon me as I looked up at him... the time felt like it stopped around us as he began to move his head in closer towards me with his eyes closed. I was certainly surprised as I closed my eyes and put my lips against his. His lips were soft... they also tasted like vodka, I could feel something slither along my bottom lip but then time started to run again and we both jumped out of each other embrace when we heard.
"Oi! Get a room you two!" We looked over at Japan and America to see them laughing their asses off, I looked over at Russia and smirked but he was confused for a bit until I pointed my thumb over to them and shoved my two pointer fingers together. Russia's eyes went wide as he put two and two together, he looked down at me and nodded his head with a smirk.

We both went over to the laughing asses and suddenly pushed them together, their lips smashed together immediately and they were both shocked. They pulled away and went "bleh!" I was laughing so much that I was pounding my fist into the floor and Russia was chuckling... the two of them just looked at you both with angry faces, but they were blushing 😳
Hello, lovelies!! I finished this one shot after AGES and I'm sorry for that! I left Wattpad for a while and finally remembered about it. Have I left this book? Technically, but I might continue it over time.
Sorry, it was short but I hope you enjoyed this one!

Luna Out!

Countryhumans x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now