Father Britain x Neglected, Kid Reader

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My brain is exploding with ideas!

Anyway, this is going to be a "father Britain x neglected, kid Reader" I have had this idea in my mind forever and I tried to find any remotely close stories but there was none :(
This will be a sorta angsty story, you have been warned if this is a touchy subject for you
(it will probably be trash but WHATEVER)

Let's get started before I get tired and my motivation disappears!
Also, play the song when I say so or just listen to it whilst reading, I don't mind
ALSO, if there are any spelling mistakes I apologize. Why? Because It's currently 2:00 in the morning
~ Your POV ~
It was like every day, father was ignoring me and I hated it. Ever since mom left him he's just not glanced at me, he pays attention to the others but it's like I'm a ghost!

I sigh whilst walking down the stairs, I could smell a wonderful and elegant smell from the kitchen so I head in that direction to see what the smell was. It was Father cooking breakfast, "Boys, come downstairs for some food!" Fathe- why do I even call him Father.. he shouted up the stairs. I could hear footsteps, some yelling and bangs from upstairs. They must be fighting to be the first one down.. even though I'm already down here.

Canada was the first one to get to the kitchen, probably because he's too pure to fight. "Morning, (Y/n)" he says to me with a kind smile, Canada is the only one who pays attention to me in this family.. thank you, Canada.. anyway, the other boys manage to get downstairs and sit down at the table ready for food. I have to admit, U.K's food is really good. We were all waiting for our food patently. U.K handed everyone a plate but me, he just ignored me.. "um... Father, I think you forgot about me.." I said sheepishly, Britain looked at me with disgust. "No, I think I gave everyone their food," he said back to me...

This just broke my heart.. how could he! He's neglecting his own child, I thought Britain was a nice polite country.. guess I was wrong... Canada looked at me with concern but I just looked at him dead in the eyes, I think he got the message so I got up and went upstairs to my room...

I closed the door and as soon as I did tears began to leak from my eyes. I sobbed as I went over to my bed... I just couldn't handle all the pain that I was experiencing...

~ I'm getting lazy so here's a nice time skip :,D ~

It has been about an hour.. all this time I've been crying and my tears have finally dried up, I could feel my emotions drifting away... I got up and went to the bathroom that's next to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't have any shine in my eyes. I exited the bathroom and accidentally ran into America and Australia, "I'm sorry" I say in a deadpan voice, they both look at me with a bit of concern as I walk past, when I'm about to enter my room I see them knock on Canada's room. 'What are those idiots up to?' I think to myself as I close my door...

After a while, I hear Canada's door re-opening and they walk downstairs... I think they went into the living room because I hear Britain say 'evening' to them. I then hear yelling, they must've pissed Britain off or something.
"You never pay attention to her!" I hear America yell
"So what? she was a mistake anyway" Britain replies
"Even if she was she's your daughter!"
"America, stop yelling."
"Why?! You know what, we're going to leave you alone in this house with her until you realize your mistakes!" America yells ending the argument as he stomps off with the others presumably. I now hear the front door open then slam shut a bit after.. silence. That's all I hear.

I get up from my bed and head to the door, opening it after I grab the handle. I walk down the hall enjoying the peacefulness, then I walk down the stairs... I see Britain sitting on the couch in a small state of shock. After he notices me looking at him, he suddenly shapes out of it and goes back to what he was doing. I walk into the kitchen and see a boom box and decide to play one of my favourite songs.

~ you guessed it, you can play the song now! :> ~
~ no one's POV ~

As the song starts to play you look at the living room door because you heard a noise

I don't even want to watch it last

You look away from the door and head over to the cupboards whilst singing

I just wanna bask in shattered glass
Pick each fragment up one at a time
Shards inside my skin
Want you to tell me that I'm broken

You hear footsteps walking over to the counter but you just ignore it

That I'm finally choking
I'm not worth the rhyme
I'm just a dime, a rusty token
Tell me that I'm fucked up
Mentally unstable

You get the necessary ingredients to make a nice cake, for some reason you just wanted cake.

Tell me that I care too much
About my whole damn fable
I just want your body
I don't want your mind
I just want a noose around my neck to pass the time

You look around for a missing ingredient but then you see it, you go and grab it but it accidentally slips from your hand.. you luckily catch it.

I just want a god, please, rather roll my dice
I don't wanna watch the light
Extinguish from your eyes
Bones are laced with oil
I'll just burn my name, no toil

You continue to sing whilst mixing the cake mix.

I just want my way, so spoiled
How are you today?
I'll tell you that I'm broken
That I'm finally choking
I'm not worth the rhyme
I'm just a dime, a rusty token
Flooded wishing wells are
Where I like to spend my days

After a while of mixing the mixture looks ready enough to put into a cake tray, so that's exactly what you do. The mixture pours in nicely and fits perfect as well.

I'd bathe in pools to dwell
But wish I could just wash away
Now tell me that I'm
I don't want to watch it last
I won't recycle the past

You pick up the cake tray and go over to the oven, you open the door and slide the tray in.

The way you smile, cannot ever beat that
The space between our laughter always felt sad
Jam a stick between my spokes
I will never feel at home
The way you cry, they cannot ever beat that
The space between our tears had always felt mad
I don't really want to learn
I just want to watch you squirm
In my palm, relax
Hiding in the walls
Don't let go
Takes a certain personality, to drive me to thin sanity
I know my place
Tastes like blood
But I won't let go

You finish singing and as soon as the song ends you hear clapping. You look behind you and see Britain sitting there.. you both kinda just stare at each other until he speaks up, "that was.. beautiful" you look at him in shock but then you slightly smile. "Thank you" you reply.

Britain gets up and walks over to you, you get kinda scared and coward a bit. He looks at you in disappointment, but the next thing he does shocks you to your core. He. Fucking. Hugs. You. He's never done this! Britain has also never shown this much affection towards you!

(Well hug back you dingus of a reader!)

OoP- and that's exactly what you do.. you stretch your arms around Britain and hug him.
"I-I'm sorry for everything I've done and put you through.." he apologises, and you accept his apology

You hear the front door opening and see the boys are back, "are you too done doing your stuff?" Britain replies with a yeah as he looks at you with a kind smile whilst kissing the top of your head. You smile back at him but then you remember the cake that was in the oven.

"ShIt! ThE cAkE!!"
In the end y'all eat the cake and it was surprisingly good! Everything got sorted between you and the Brit and everything returned to normal :3

Hope you enjoyed this story! Bye bye UwU
(Sorry if there's spelling mistakes)

Luna Out!

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