Prologue: What's Past Is Past

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Mario: Okay...Sometimes...shit just happens. We are thrown into situations that lead to catastrophic change. So big, that it inflicts more than just physical change in the landscape around you, it changes the way you think, feel, act, and way of life. Sucks, doesn't it? Well, have you ever experienced something as bad as this? The meteor shower turned apocalypse of the Light Festival of 2022.

After what felt like hours of staring and cheering at the ball, the shining object burst into a fiery inferno as it hurdled towards the castle.
Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran in all directions other than towards the castle. Mario started to walk backwards as he kept staring at the oncoming object.  Luigi grabbed Mario and yanked him away with him.

Luigi: (grabbing Mario) M-Mario! We gotta go! Now!

Mario: That day was a game-changer for me. I witnessed multiple deaths of those I once knew, I even witnessed the close call of Meggy.

Mario notices a familiar orange-haired girl running with some younger inklings behind her.  She was helping them along through the large cracks appearing in the ground. The inklings had terrified looks on their faces. It hurt Mario to see young people such as them going through something like this. He pointed Meggy out to Luigi.

Mario: Luigi! It's Meggy! It's-

Just as Mario gets Luigi's attention to turn to see what Mario was pointing at, a large ball of fire hit the group, their bodies were engulfed in flames almost immediately. Screams of pain were heard from the inklings. But the screams only lasted a few seconds before dying down due to the extreme heat and blast.

Mario: (a look of sheer horror) NOOOOOOOO!! MEGGY!!!

Mario: We tried to live life normally, but things would soon change, and we were introduced to "Project Quantum," the idea that would save the Earth's inhabitants. If I were to speak the honest truth right now, Project Quantum screwed us all. Pounded us right in the ass. Broke our backs and tore our organs out. That was a metaphor...Anyways, after being thrown into space with all my friends, we experienced something that didn't make any sense to anyone.

Meggy: It's all your fault that we aren't together anymore! It's all your fault that I almost died those two years ago at the incident! You have caused me more grief and pain than any sort of happiness since we met!

Mario started to let tears stream down his face as he looked helplessly into Meggy's wild eyes.

Mario: please, Meggy... Don't do this...

She slams him back down letting his back land on the table.  She then jumps and lands over him, holding him down with a crushing force over his throat.

Mario: (choking) M...Meg...Meggy...

Meggy: I don't need you in my life anymore you puny plumber. (tightens her squeeze) This...Ends...Here...

???: Mario!!

Suddenly, a chair comes out of nowhere and hits Meggy in the head. She topples off the table and lands on the floor, unconsious. Mario clutched his hands to his now bruised neck, gasping for breath as he sits up to see who his heroes were.

Tari: Mario! Are you okay?

Mario: That day really scared me shitless. We had a new threat to deal with, and that...was Traviere, the powerful Time Vaulter and literal god of death. Hell, he's worse than the actual god of death, whatever religion or mythology you may be getting that from, but Traviere has been nothing but a punk-ass ape-shit filth-bucket asswipe to us for the past few months. Him and his stupid clones he sends after us. Why can't he just approach us like a real fighter? He's a coward and a loser. He just can't admit it.....Once we were able to get some breathing room from his torment, he struck again, using Meggy a few more times to attempt to kill me, which failed, then we got sucked into a wormhole that threw us back in time to 2019, on Anime Island where we found Desti again.

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