Reunited (049 x 035)

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"049 please enter the containment chamber and take a seat at the table."

049 gave a slight nod and thanked the guards as they undid his restraints. He then complied with the order he was given and soon found himself sitting at the table in the middle of the room.

Soon a researcher entered the room, sitting across from him. 049 noticed the faint smell of lavender coming from him.

"Greetings Doctor, it's good to see you again after all this time."

Dr. Hamm smiled, "Good to see you too. Now, you're probably wondering why I have you here at the moment."

"That would be correct, yes." 049 nodded.

"Well, it's come to our attention that you and scp-035 knew each other prior to containment. Is this true?"

"Yes. Dyo and I did know each other prior to being here."

Dr. Hamm nodded and jotted some things down, "So, during the containment breach last week, did you two run into each other without knowing the other was here. Or did you two already know, and your meetup during the breach was planned."

049 shook his head, "We did not know, Doctor. It was a miracle."

"A miracle? What makes you say that?"

049 shifted slightly in his seat, "The last time I saw Dyo was about 400 years ago. I never thought I would see him again."

"I see. So what did you two talk about?"

"Just reminisced on days gone by."

Dr. Hamm nodded, "I see. You two seemed awfully...close. We reviewed the tapes from the breach, as we always do, and noticed you two not only talked but seemed to...cuddle and dance together. Can you explain that?"

If 049 could blush, he would be.

"Well, you see doctor, our relationship was very intricate."

"Could you explain more?"

049 sighed, thinking of where to begin, "I'm assuming you want the whole story?"

Dr. Hamm nodded, "As much as you can remember."

"Well, we met about 800 years ago, give or take a few years. I found him on the roadside on my way to Europe. I cannot recall as to why he was on the roadside, but he was there. Covered in dirt and grass, seemingly forgotten by whoever had dropped him. At this time, Dyo was a bit different than the one now. He did not require a host to talk, nor did he secrete the black liquid he does today. He asked me for help, seeming to sense my abilities, and sensed I wasn't entirely human. I agreed to help, I am a doctor after all. So I brought him to Europe with me. He made an entertaining travel companion. Which could get annoying since during this period I still required sleep, but I managed. When we got back to France I continued my studies of the pestilence and he was a thespian. As the days went on, we grew closer and closer. Our draw to each other was natural, almost like the universe had it all planned out. Our...romantic relationship began slowly. Started with him reciting plays and sings for me as I worked. Then escalated to him doing so for me prior to me falling asleep. Which progressed to him coming up with his own stuff, with me as his muse, it really was quite adorable. But don't tell Dyo I said that. Okay?"

049 chuckled fondly at the memories, Dr. Hamm has a small smile on his face as well. 049 wasn't one to express much emotion, so seeing him do so, in a positive way, was refreshing. A whole new side to him.

049 continued, "I started distancing myself from my work, spending more time with him. Helping him write his ideas out since he couldn't exactly do so himself. I wore him a few times as well, but he didn't have the same effects on me as he does his other hosts. Then...the plague hit and I was sucked back into my work. That went on for a long while, our relationship became strained, I tried to make time for it. But so many people were in need of my help. He never got mad at me though, understanding I was under a lot of pressure, and only doing what I was created for. He continued to love me though, I am not sure why, I hardly spent time with him. Once that was over we decided we needed a much needed vacation, a getaway from all the carnage and reminders of death. So together we traveled to Italy. We rekindled our romance and our relationship was better than ever before. It went on like that for a couple more centuries. I would continue with my work, and he continued entertaining people. Then, suddenly, things changed. It seemed like someone had corrupted Dyo, he was not always the way he is now. After a performance one night his host, I do not remember who it was, took him off and things took a turn south. He began secreting the black corrosive liquid you see today.  He began having nasty bouts of anger, never directed at me of course, and killed those who he used as a host. Which was new. I tried to figure out what happened, tried to figure out who hurt my dear Dyo. I attempted to wear him to try and figure it out, to no avail. Nothing happened to me. The liquid did not have any adverse effects on me, I did not die upon taking him off, nothing. So, using the people I cured, I attempted to study what was going on. Still nothing. Then, upon close inspection of him, I noticed a small crack in the mask. Hardly noticeable and almost escaped me. But I had gazed upon him so many times that I noticed, it was new, had never been there before. Something about that crack in him changed him, unleashed something if you will call it that. I tried to fix it but there was nothing I could do. So, for my safety as he claimed, we decided it would be best to part ways. He was afraid of harming me, even though I assured him nothing would happen to me. He still felt it was best, he felt like a loose cannon. So, albeit extremely reluctantly, I agreed. We parted ways after a lengthy and emotional goodbye. I never forgot about him though, I kept all of the poems he had written for me, and read them daily. He occupied my thoughts even more than the pestilence did. More than once I had to fight the urge to go looking for him. But, now that we are here, we have rekindled our relationship, and it is the happiest I have been in centuries. I feel whole again."

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