035/049 fluff

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049 huffed as he stepped over a mangled body, he inspected it a little once but quickly decided it would be no good for 035 to use. So he turned and kept going, whistling a hymn to himself as containment breach sirens wailed around him. Thankfully the power was out which meant it was easier for him to stay out of sight of any potential MTF's or other foundation staff.

He got to a hallway, not too far from 035's containment chamber, and saw a d-class sitting on the ground, clutching his leg. 049 viewed the man from afar, staying hidden to see if he would be good for 035 to use. Once he decided he was a good candidate he stepped out of the shadows and towards the man.

The d-class noticed him, "Whoa, whoa, stay back man!"

049 reached a hand out, "Fear not, I am the cure."

The d-class pulled out a pistol and shot 049 twice, but the plague doctor hardly noticed, except for a minimal sting. He watched as the man struggled to get up and started running but quickly stumbled and fell back to the cold floor. 049 took the opportunity and touched him, killing him instantly. 049 sighed once he did, this one put up bit more of a fight than what he was used too, but it wasn't something he couldn't handle. He found that it made the whole process a lot more enjoyable for him.

He flipped the body over and grabbed his medical tools. He inspected the man carefully. He couldn't have been more than 20, had short wavy black hair that was shaved on one side, and brown eyes. He noticed no tattoos or blemishes on the face. Once he deemed it good enough for his lover to use he injected the host with a serum he'd invented to help preserve the host longer from 035's corrosive effects. Then he moved onto healing the leg, he knew it wasn't necessary and that 035 could do just fine with what seemed to be a bite mark, but he wanted it to be the best condition for 035.

Once done he packed his stuff, deciding his own wounds could wait, and picked up the host and carried it rest of the way to 035's chamber. He used the 05 card he found on the ground earlier to get into the cell, once in he placed the host on the ground and walked over to the small glass box they kept 035 in.

He smiled upon seeing his lover's smiling face, "Dyo, it's good to see you my love."

He heard 035 whisper back, "Good to see you too my dear. Have you brought me a host?"

"I have indeed, the best specimen I could find too, not a single blemish on his face."

"Perfect. Now get me out of here."

049 chuckled and broke the glass with his fist, pulling 035 out carefully once he was sure nothing had harmed him. He walked him over to the host and placed him on his face. Waiting patiently as 035 took over. He smiled as 035 sprang to life, sitting up quickly.

"Gods, it's good to be free again."

049 chuckled and helped him up off the floor, once both men were upright they hugged each other, 035 dripping some fluid on him. But it had no effect on the doctor, so they stayed in that position for a few minutes longer before separating.

"Well, what shall we do, mon cher?"

The doctor smiled at the nickname, "Well before we can do anything or go anywhere I have a few wounds of my own to patch up. Don't worry nothing serious. The d-class just put up bit of a fight before I got him."

035's expression changed to a frown and the room shook a little with his anger, "How fucking dare he, thinking he could just do that to you. You should've let me take care of him. I would've put him in his place with ease."

049 gently placed a hand on the mask's porcelain cheek, "There would've been no need for that my love, besides you would've mangled him beyond repair."

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