the council meeting

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Nico and walked into the big house and went straight to the meeting room; the room with a ping pong set as the table – weird, I know. I vowed to myself that I would ask Chiron if he wanted me to change that for him.

When Nico and I walked, everyone turned their eyes on me, and I realized the whole gang was here.

Clarisse for the Ares cabin.

Thalia for the Zeus cabin – and I guess she counts for the Artemis cabin too.

Travis and Conner Stoll for the Hermes cabin (Connor looked at me nervously, and I just smiled at him).

Katie Gardner for the Demeter cabin.

Pollux for the Dionysus cabin.

I didn't know the rest of the people – they were all newbies, that were made leaders after the Titan War.

There was only one other person there that I knew.

Annabeth Chase for the Athena cabin.

I glared at Annabeth, and then sat down, as did Nico, adding one the Poseidon cabin, and one for the Hades cabin respectively.

"Well, well, if it isn't Prissy," Clarisse sneered. I tried to control my temper, and for the most part, I did. Well, there was a clap of thunder that shook the big house, but I don't think anyone noticed.

Chiron looked at me carefully, probably trying to make sure I wouldn't zap Clarisse (which I had no intention of doing – unless she called me Lord. That would be weird).

"Seaweed Brain!" Thalia laughed, and I cringed at the nickname that Annabeth had given me – something that I now realized she had given me out of dislike, not love.

"Do call me that!" I growled. She immediately stopped laughing and quieted down. There wasn't a single word in the big house, and I realized that Chiron didn't want to speak without my permission.

"Go ahead Chiron," I said. Chiron immediately obliged, and everyone looked at me oddly.

"I have called you all in here for the news about the newest Olympian," Chiron started.

"Are we going to find out who it is?" Anna – she interrupted.

"Do not interrupt him!" I barked at her. She shrunk back, but glared at me.

Chiron jumped at my sudden outburst, but kept on.

"You all will find out now. But you may not tell anyone until we have a proper orientation at noon in the amphitheatre." Chiron instructed. "You are to tell your whole cabin to meet there at noon, and not to ask any question. Is this clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Now, I am sure you are all wondering how it came about that there can be a thirteenth Olympian, without one of the already set Olympians standing down."

Again everyone nodded.

"The answer to that is simple. There was an old Ancient Law that even the Fates had forgotten."

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