Kronos has returned again again?

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As soon as I heard, I told Artemis to gather all the gods for another emergency meeting. Apollo quickly came in, and he healed Hermes.
Zeus came in next. He flew up to me and grabbed my collar. "I step down for two days and my wife goes missing!" he yelled.

I just looked at him calmly and said, "It's not my fault."

I guess it was the leadership thing coming into play. I never really thought about it, but I had always (even if it was subconsciously) been the leader. I always took charge, whether it was about me or not. And now, it was just being pushed into action again.

"Not your fault?" he roared. I heard the other gods come in and inspect the situation. Obviously none of them had the guts to come over and help.

"No." My voice rang around the room, signally finality.

Zeus hesitantly removed his hands from my shirt. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"If we are going to find her, you cannot work against me." I said.

He glared at me.

"This is what we have come to," he grumbled, "being ruled by children."

He spat the word out like it was disease. I controlled my anger at his statement, but I angrily said, "I am not a child."

"Then why is my wife missing?" he shouted.

Everyone flinched at his tone, obviously still not used to the fact that he wasn't in charge any more, and expecting his wrath.

I was getting angry with him – he was accusing me of something that I had no power over.

"Maybe someone holds a grudge against you or her? I don't know Zeus. Someone out there is probably angry with you," I was on a role now, getting angrier and angrier, even though I knew it was unreasonable. "Or even angry with all of us. Since I have become a god, all I have heard out of your mouth is whining. If you would clam down and shut up for one second, you would see that you are hurting everyone around you!"

I really don't know how I got to talking (more like shouting) about this, but it has been said now. And Zeus needed to hear it. He looked like he had been slapped in the face. He backed up a couple of steps. Then he turned and sat on his throne.

I took that as my cue to start. I sat on my throne and sighed.

"As I am sure most of you have heard, Hera is missing," whispers started throughout the room. "The only witness that I have heard of, is Hermes. Does anyone else know what happened?"

Silence. "Hermes, would you be so kind as to share this information?"

He nodded his head slowly.

"I-I was delivering her mail, like I usually do. She was particularly happy today, for what I do not know. Sh-she took her mail and set it down. There was a bright light and there were two people standing there . . ." Hermes got a distant look in his eyes.

3rd person Flashback

Hermes knocked on the door to Hera's palace. She opened the door with a smile. "Ah, Hermes, you're here."

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