Stolen War

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Percy's P.O.V

For the couple of hours, Thalia, Nico and I just talked and hung out. After my little 'episode', they didn't once mention my status… or her for that matter.

But then the inevitable came.

"Why did you ask for Annabeth to stay behind this morning?" Nico asked hesitantly.

I sighed. I could tell them the really long version, or I could tell them the short one and risk being hurt more than if I told the long one… Decisions, decisions.

"She cheated," I finally sighed.

"No, no way!" Thalia argued immediately. "Annabeth would never do that."

"Apparently I reminded her too much of Luke," I scoffed.

"That is so screwed up." Nico shook his head. "Why would she go to his half brother to be reminded of him less?"

"That is exactly what I said," I smiled. "She said she could relate to Connor, because Connor knew Luke before he was evil."

"Why didn't she come to me?" Thalia asked, hurt. "I knew him before then too!"

"Beats me," I sighed. "I really do not get her anymore."

We talked for a little longer until we heard campers coming in.

"Guess this is the last time that I will be normal around here," I sighed. "Thanks for your help guys. It means a lot."

"No problem Percy," Nico grinned, "that's what cousins are for!"

Thalia rolled her eyes. "It's Ok. You'd do the same for us."

I smiled gratefully. "Alright. Let's get this over with."

After everyone was in, they all started talking excitedly.

"Heroes!" Chiron called, and immediately he had everyone's attention. "We are here today because it is time for you to all learn about the new Olympian."

Again, chatter started up and I grinned at Chiron's annoyed face. He stomped his hooves down a couple times and everyone turned to him again as if nothing had happened.

"The new Olympian – "

Everything froze. And not, froze, like, they were shocked. They were frozen in time. With a jolt, I realized that I was the only one who wasn't frozen.

"Oops!" I chuckled nervously. "Didn't mean to do that!"

"I don't specialize in time, but I might be able to help!" A male voice said from behind me.

I spun around and looked at the god. "Why aren't you frozen too?" I asked suspiciously. "Do you have, like, special time bending abilities or something?"

"Nope," Apollo, god of the sun, grinned. "I'm just awesome!"

"Of course you are," I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, why aren't you frozen?"

"I wasn't here when you accidentally used your powers. Simple as that," he smirked.

"Okay then," I said, "next question. Why are you here? Has something happened on Olympus already?"

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