107 3 0

Here are the judges and their participants:

Gem 28 💎

- The aftermath
- Alpha Xeres
- Lumina: The moon goddess

Gem 29 💎

- As the Lord finds the lady
- Forbidden

> Vampire/werewolf judge can start judging ... You will have 4 days time to send in your results .. If you need more time, pm me!
And, after you see this, comment Seen💎

Send the results to teenfun2580@gmail.com

Subject: V/W Results (Gem 5💎)
Body: Gem 5💎 Judge @Teen_Fun
---------------------------by _______

👆Send the e-mail like the above example

The judging criteria is given along with special categories. The special categories winners should be sent too. A review of 8-10 or more sentences is required for all participants.

Participants, can and should follow their judges otherwise they will be disqualified ..

So, All the best Judges !!
If you have any queries, comment in the comment section in this chapter :)

Lustrous Gem Awards ☆1st Edition☆ << CLOSED >>Where stories live. Discover now