Here are the results:
1st Place goes to .....
ook name: Detective Exorcist
Judge: sonjaebersoleDetective Exorcist - 98/100
Cover - 8/10
Title 10/10
Blurb 10/10
Character 15/15
Page 15/15
Grammar 15/15
Originality 15/15
Overall 10/10
I have nothing bad to say about this book other than that it's a genre I would never read. That being said, work on your cover a bit more, otherwise it's perfect!2nd place goes to ...
LibraPhoenixBook name: Bamboo doesn't grow in dark spaces
Judge: RGNPBTLVBamboo Doesn't Grow in Dark Spaces (@LibraPhoenix)
Cover 10/10
Title 10/10
Blurb 10/10
Character Development 15/15
Page Layout (spacing, lines,paragraphs)14/15
Grammar (spelling, punctuation marks,vocabulary)15/15
Originality (plot, cliche) 13/15
Overall 10/10
Total 97/100Review - "But remember what I told you? A lotof trial and error has come before you.The one before you he was like abamboo. I would bend and bend him,but he didn't break. So I had to cuthim down." I really like this line. The comparisonand how the male lead (Sir)analogized the bamboo and hisvictims; how he played andmanipulate them into his sick game.When I read the title, it confuses me atfirst and at the same time catches myattention because it's aberrated. Andafter I've read the first four chapters,that was when I understood themeaning behind those words.The story is twisted and dark, itdefinitely done justice to its genrewhich is my mystery/thriller. Though, Ican't help but to compare it to "killingstalking" web comic since I've read itbefore and some part of the story hassome kind of similarity to the actualWebtoon.Albeit, the Stockholm syndrome plot isan overuse type like those mafiaromance and such but, I'll give thisone a benefit of the doubt. Maybe thistime, it'll be different from all thosecliche dark romance.The used of words are unequivocal, itdelivered every aspects in the storythat highlighted the scenes and howthe character acted out their role andpart. It also manifests the emotion andfeelings of the character by usingmetaphors.I must say, the author has some kind ofdifferent way to convey the situationby using words that most likelyrepresents the sound of a verb. Like thethumping noise of the heavy footstepsagainst the hard floor or the creakingsound of the metal door whenopened— something like that.I like this kind of writing because, Inthat way, the readers could reallyimagine what is really happening inthe story. It's just like watching moviewith subtitle but, the only difference is,there are no actual person or motionsplaying out.There are no drawbacks when itcomes to page layout except thegrammar, though it isn't really major, I just noticed a few mistakes inpunctuation marks and to widen theauthor's vocabulary, I advice tosearch the synonym of the word.I also like the writing style, very neatand each chapters are well-written. It'sa kind of story that you'll not get tiredreading 'cause it's encompasses everydetails that the makes the story morecryptic yet interesting.I have no comment about thecharacter development since the storyis not yet done and I think, there aremore to it than what the character'sare portraying as of the moment.Hence, I'm looking forward if there willbe some changes in the character'spersonality and the outcome of theirrelationship. Maybe it'll end in a tragicway or happy ending, who knows.Overall, it's good and has a sense ofsuspense and grimness like how amystery/thriller story should be 'causethat is the vital part of it. Making thereaders more curious about the sequeljust by reading between the lines.
3rd place goes to ...
DreamerGurl169Book name: Cooked!
Judge: RGNPBTLVCooked! (@DreamerGurl169)
Cover 8/10
Title 10/10
Blurb 10/10
Character Development 14/15
Page Layout (spacing, lines,paragraphs)14/15
Grammar (spelling, punctuationmarks, vocabulary)15/15
Originality (plot, cliche) 15/15
Overall 10/10
Total 96/100Review - Great story, never read somethingextraordinary like this before. It's amixture of mystery/thriller with a touchof erotica romance. Though, I couldn'thelp but to compare it to those mafiaromance story where the female leadfall in love with the male lead with badstatus and reputation. This story hasthat kind of aura except the femalelead here is not a damsel in distressand that's what I like about it. Becausetruthfull, I'm sick of those kind of clichéstoryline so, it's a breathe of fresh air toread something like this one.I also like the writing style, especiallythe structure of every paragraphs andsentences; smooth and thorough. Asfor the book cover, I kind of like havinga second thought about it, the editsare good especially the layering oftwo pictures but, I don't get how itdelineate the title. And yeah, the titleis kind of intriguing too.Anyhow, it's the author's call to nametheir story whatever they want, maybethe mysteries are hidden behind thatword, who knows. I'm just lookingforward for the upcoming chapter 'tilthe last one. This is a kind of story thatyou don't wanna miss a chapterbecause every details, phrases andinformations are worth reading for.
Congrats to all the winners! 🎉
Thank you to all the participants who participated 🎊Other participants can pm for their results and the winners can pm me for their prizes.
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