18. Only Human

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It had only been two weeks but the way Brady's body was already reacting to Leo alarmed him.

He felt the other man's heat inches from him, felt his breath fan him when he spoke. Brady knew it was the reason goosebumps broke out across his skin. He was going to do this, he was actually doing this!

Brady draped one arm around the back of Leo's neck and pulled him back to him. A means to continue from where they had left off.
He tasted heat and want, fueling his own need, to hold on to this moment, this ritual, the marking of his lips.

By now Brady was sure he'd never been kissed like this, never had a kiss so good. The other frightening thought was that he was sure only Leo could do this to him, make him feel like this. Like all his insides were being incinerated just because of a simple touch of the lips.

He felt Leo's hand reach lower and until it closed around his manhood. The one that was getting harder by every fleeting moment. He caressed it and Brady shuddered. Leo opened his zipper and the sparks were electric, the air was charged as the man a few inches taller looked him in the eye. His lips moist, coated in Brady's DNA.
He was so sexy, and Brady wasn't fighting it anymore. at least not in his head. He could only watch, watch and try to breathe.

He watched as Leo sank to his knees and gripped the back of his thighs. Wait, what was he— they were right at the door!

Brady's world stopped, he was aware of his own hand that cupped Leo's cheek from where he was but had no idea when it got there, or how. With this man, his body always got the better of him.

He felt it when his cock sprang free, he felt rather than saw, when tongue first met skin, the time when all of his blood flowed southward, he didn't even know it was possible for him to get harder.

"B-b-bed...your r-room-" Brady said while squirming.

"I know this shouldn't be the place for your first time," Leo said meeting his eyes from where he was. "But I'm only human Brady."

The bluish grey of his eyes looked like they were pleading and Brady was just about ready to die. He couldn't decide whether it was from how helpless he sounded or from the intensity with which Leo wanted him.
Leo swallowed his cock before he could get the chance to properly nod.

Leo sucked him off like no one had ever before. His tongue swirling around his flesh before he was taken in once again.
Circles drawn on his tip while big manly hands rubbed his base and groped his balls. Inside Leo's mouth was hot, wet and talented. A circus and him the show master.

The sensations had Brady sagging all of his weight on the door. It had him sinking further and further, head thrown back against it, eyes closed facing heavenward and breathing shallow and infused with moans.
By the time he had come, he was on the floor, Leo between his legs and the door, the only support system he had.

Leo hadn't let him go when his release had left him. He swallowed up every drop of his seed and looked at him like a serving on a plate. Leo crashed his lips onto his and he tasted himself for the first time, not knowing what he was doing and making his mind up anyways.

He went for Leo's pants before even his breathing could slow down. His body was like a furnace and there was only one thing to put out the heat, ironic how it was exactly the source of it.

He had never been so bold before but now his mind pushed every other thought aside and left only one, Leo. He wanted him, so very badly. Even if he might never measure up, he still wanted to make him feel the things he'd just felt.

And so Brady pushed Leo back gently and tugged down his pants. "You don't have to, not yet..." Leo trailed off when Brady didn't stop.

"It's okay, I want to."

Brady was glad when Leo didn't protest and instead leaned back on his arms on either side of him. Brady looked at the marvelous cock for the first time, and as the pants slid lower, he found it harder to tear his eyes away. It was thick, it was veiny and it looked just about ready to burst.

There were so many first times tonight for Brady, and now was when he first touched another man's cock. It was throbbing and it felt sort of amazing. It didn't even register that he was moving until he put his unskilled mouth to the tip.

Leo shook at the initial contact and it encouraged Brady. The hissing sound Leo let out had him thinking this couldn't be so bad. Brady then tried to put it all in his mouth but drew back coughing.

"Slow baby, slow," Leo managed.

Despite his lack of expertise, Brady's blood sang with the heaviness in Leo's voice.
He marveled at the uneven breaths the other male was subjected to. Did he do that? Was he even capable of such a thing?
And even if he wasn't, Leo had called him baby and nothing could bring him down.

Brady tried again, and with every stroke of his tongue he seemed to get better, at least Leo made it seem that way.
At one point, Leo had pushed and held him away from his cock to even his breathing, his heart had soared.
At another point, Leo put one hand to his shoulder and squeezed the base of his own cock to keep himself from coming, Brady's pride swelled.

The knowledge that he made Leo this way was as intoxicating as when Leo was coming. "Fuck! Fuck! ohh..." Leo was uttering as Brady did a poor job of trying to swallow everything.

It wasn't as gross as he thought it would be. During this whole time, Brady had become hard again, he was aware. It was strange, receiving pleasure from giving it. It was strange but always wonderful.

He was ecstatic as Leo, who was now resting on his elbows, shuddered beneath him.

Nothing was as perfect as that moment until Leo cried out that name, the name that was not Brady's. The name that had his cock softening as fast as it had hardened.

Leo seemed to realize it after Brady had stopped moving. His eyes went wide. "No!" he said as he grabbed Brady's hand. "It's not wh-"

Brady was a little shaken as he pulled his hand away and wiped the corner of his mouth. The deep bruise to his ego rendered him speechless. He also didn't know what to say to Leo. He didn't cut it for him after all. And yet there he had been, swooning over the way he was making the other man feel.

He clothed his limp cock and then himself.
Brady picked up the rest of his things and made for the door. He heard Leo scramble about, desperate movements to what? Stop him?

"Brady wait!" he heard but he was already pulling the door open. Why did everything have to happen so fast?  Why was he so upset?

He felt the strong hand close around his wrist. Brady turned gracefully and looked Leo dead in the eye, "Let go," Brady was calm as his voice was firm.

Whatever Leo saw in his eyes seemed to scare him, he let Brady's hand go like it burned him to hold it longer.

"Fuck!" Brady heard a very frustrated voice say from the other side as the door closed behind him.
He walked away.

Who the fuck was Lisa?!


Here's another update! Hope you liked it!

Thanks for reading! ❤

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