22. A New Discovery

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Leo stared after Brady as he stormed inside. His mind in a jumble, what had he done wrong?
He picked up the rest of the stuff and followed inside, half anticipating the worst and half hoping.

He walked in to find Brady putting everything away in place and in order, jaw set in an unfathomable annoyance and lips almost jutting out in stubbornness.

Leo stared a while, Brady's back to him, before working up the courage to walk up to him. "Hey," Leo said as his hand slowly snaked it's way around Brady's waist. He found it was a very easy thing to do, the fonder he grew of that waist.

Before he could completely hold him however, Brady recoiled. "Don't touch me!" he said, stepping away to fill other cabinets with supplies.

Leo snatched his hand back and was at a loss for words as he watched Brady in disbelief. "At least tell me what I did wrong," Leo sounded desperate.

"Oh so now, you want to give me attention," came Brady's reply.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

The answer that met him next consisted of no words. Resigned for the moment, Leo stalked over to sit on the couch and rethink every thing he'd done in the last hour or so. And maybe figure out why he was unjustly being punished, specifically by receiving the silent treatment.

He didn't sit for long before his elbow went to rest on top of the couch and his head whipped around to locate Brady. As if looking at him could conjure up the answers he needed. How he just loved to watch him.

And now there was the need again, to hold him so tightly against him and just be.
For now, Brady would have none of it he knew. He pushed the other thoughts away. Of what he was going to do when all this was over. He tried to convince himself that he would handle it well. He wouldn't be left a broken shell with no one to pick up his pieces when—
Leo shook the thoughts from his head.

Brady, on the other hand ignored him relentlessly, no matter what he tried to do, which wasn't much because of the simple fact that he couldn't touch Brady, because otherwise he could have done a million things.

He got into Brady's space over and over, he asked a lot of questions, which Brady brushed off with not so much as a word. And then finally he couldn't take it anymore and sighed out his frustration.

Even after he'd tried to let Brady be, it seemed some things were out of his control. He couldn't spend five minutes out of Brady's sight knowing something was wrong. As if the man would walk out the door and never return if he wasn't watching.

Because it was the only way he knew how, Leo walked up to Brady, took both of his wrists in his and pinned him to the kitchen counter, forcing him to look no where else but at him.

"This is driving me crazy, let me know what I did, how I can fix it," Leo searched Brady's eyes for whatever, or for all he knew it could have just easily been an excuse to stare. Was that—

Leo's mind came to a grinding halt as he noticed, and felt. "Is this turning you on?" Leo asked, very intrigued.

Sure enough their groins were touching, but he had been so wrapped up in getting to the bottom of Brady's actions that he had paid no mind to it, he hadn't noticed, not until he felt something harden.

Brady blushed hard and looked down.

Leo, gathering all the self control in the world and beyond, decided he was going to have to take one for the team and slowly lifted Brady's chin, to watch his face. "What's wrong?" he asked slowly, ignoring what to him, was the elephant in the room.

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