The Nemesis

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It's been a couple of weeks since Knockout and I have moved into the quiet town of Jasper. Miko and her friends go to some sort of science fiction club after school and for most hours of the weekend, unless they're in detention. I'm mainly referring to Miko here, she's gotten detention four times this week and two and a half were for not doing any homework, the other one and a half for listening to her shriek metal bands instead of focusing on class.

The apartment I rented turned out to be bigger than I expected, with a nice sized garage for Knockout to transform in. my job of packing food into boxes and organising shelves in a servo station wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be.



I've obeyed this fleshy for quite a few weeks, although my finish has been as shiny as ever my processor feels like it's going to explode. The Nemesis shouldn't be too far outside of Jasper, if only I had a few hours to return to what was home before everything went downhill.

"Uhhgg, I've got to get out of here" I press the small button for the garage door and transform as it painfully slowly opens for me to drive out. I head to the outskirts of town and to the last known location of the Nemesis.


"What do you know, there's a race on tonight" I drive past some of the local teens who spend their nights racing outside town. "Guess I'll have to join them" I fly past them so no one can see that I am a driver less car.


"Knockout to base, requesting a ground-bridge" no answer. "Hello? Soundwave? Screamer? requesting a ground-bridge"

Driving past dusty and rocky cliff hills, my comm link finally working, a ground-bridge forms in front of me. I drive under the Nemesis and transform, looking up I see major damage to the Omega Lock from the Autobot attack.



I hear jet engines flying past and the whooshing sound of someone transforming, it could only be Starscream.

"Took you long enough to get here Screamer"
"Who are you calling Screamer, Knockout?"
"Lord Megatron, I did not recognise the sound your engine makes"
I do a small bow to show my respect.

"Starscream has destroyed our satellite once again, comms was out for days this time"
"I did not know, I have only come from (your hometown) a few weeks ago and only picked up the Nemesis' signal three hours ago"

Lord Megatron turns around to transform and flies onto the Nemesis, a ground-bridge activating a few feet in front of me moments later. I step through the swirling portal of green, purple and blue and find myself on the command deck of the Nemesis. I just hope (Y/n) doesn't kill me for leaving them.


Ok, I haven't updated this story much due to typing on my phone is a pain. I have gotten a keyboard to solve that problem and I hope to update this story more frequently in the future.
Keep reading peeps.

A/N (July 2021)
Firstly a huge thankyou to for noticing some mistakes and commenting. I have re-written a sentence and fixed the order of a few of them.

This story is based after season 3, but starts near season 1 (I don't know what I was thinking doing this) re-reading what I have written on my phone for this story is a nightmare, I'm very likely going to be re-writing parts of the first chapters.

What also may be confusing is finding Knockout in a junk yard, because presumably everyone went back to Cybertron. I haven't really thought as to why, but I thought having it look like he's been there for a few years, it's only been a few months. I'm guessing my early planning was that Knockout lost a fight and was thrown into the junk pile, low levels of energon forcing him to stay in his alt mode.

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