Draco x reader ~ release

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Request by anonymous (dm to be anonymous. I'm keeping my request open for a bit! If you still wanna request dm me or go to the A/N)

This oneshot contains:
- Y/N is a virgin
- tie up
- consensual sex for release
- male domination

Ty for the amount of support! I hope you enjoy


The cellar in the Malfoy manor was dark and cold. You couldnt believe you were stuck here. You got captured by death eaters. It was such a disgrace.

It was late at night. You knew because there was no light coming through the tiny window near the stairs.

You and your best friend got captured while walking outside in london. You knew you shouldnt have gone out. You were on the top of their list seeing you were friend with Harry.

Footsteps made their way down the stairs. Your best friend woke up and you looked at each other. It didnt take long before you saw him. Draco Malfoy.

His appearance always had a mysterious feel to you. His blonde hair and those gray eyes, that suit he always wore. You loved a guy with style.

You got up and looked at him. His eyes scanned you for a moment before a smirk appeared on his face.

'Do you want to get out of here?' He asked.

You walked towards him. He grabbed the bar of the door and looked at you. He watched your every move as you walked towards him.

'That's a stupid question. Of course we do.' You spoke.

'What are you willing to do for it?' He asked.

You stopped infront of the door. You stared at him.

'What do you want me to do?' You asked.

Draco looked you up and down and then smirked. He grabbed your shirt through the bars and pulled you against the door. You gasp in surprise.

'Give yourself to me.' He rasped.

Give yourself to him. He exactly knew that you were virgin. He wanted your virginity for anway to escape?

'Y/N! Dont.' your best friend said right away.

'Do you want to get out of here and live? Or.keep being tortured and eventually die?' He asked. 'The take the weak ones first.' he grinned while looking at your best friend.

'Ill do it.' You said. 'If you promise we will both escape.'

'Y/N! You're crazy!' Your best friend hissed. 'You'll regret it.'

'I wont. It's this or dying.' You said.

You turned back to Draco. He opened the door and let you out. He closed the door right behind you and grabbed your wrist.

'Please dont! Malfoy you're sick!' Your best friend said.

'I have her consent.' He shrugged.

He pulled you with him up the stairs. This was going to be your first time. Your heart was beating and your hands were sweating. You were very nervous. You had been saving yourself for so long. You never expected it to be with Draco.

Draco pulled you into his room and closed the door. He took the jacket of his suit off and turned to you. You looked at him but had no idea what to say.

Draco grabbed your arm and pulled you closer. He laid his hands around your head and looked deep into your eyes.

'You're going to do everything I say. Do you hear me?' He asked.

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