Chapter 174: Back to Capital Star

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In StarCraft 4021, September 29, artificial wind level 1, temperature 25 degrees, Capital Star, early in the morning, students from Philippe College left the school one after another, opening a half-month holiday.

A medium-sized ship flew from the sky and finally docked at the docking station of the college.

"Little cuties, this is the end of your military training, please disembark, and see you in the future!" Gray said goodbye to the students one by one.

After nearly a month of military training, I got off the ship, stepped on the familiar ground, and looked at the familiar campus. It was like a dream. The senior students quickly adapted to the school. Dormitory, doing their own things, the team parted ways before getting off the ship.

The students in the lower grades were very reluctant to give up. They did not give up the instructors or the friends. They talked for a while before leaving.

Team Mu Qingxin also got off the ship at this time and was bidding farewell to Team Baker.

"Heart and soul are blue, and Cora, remember to contact during the holiday, let's go out and play together!" Belabeth exhorted.

"Good!" Mu Qingxin agreed happily.

"Let's go, the family is urging." Baker urged his two younger sisters.

"Goodbye, don't forget, let's go~"

"OK, bye!"

Mu Qingxin suddenly thought of the opening of her own food city, and shouted, "Wait a minute"

Baker and Belabeth turned around suspiciously... looked at Mu Qingxin in confusion, "Xinxin, what's the matter?"

"Tomorrow our Sunny Sky Food City is about to open. There are all kinds of delicious food in Linglang Street. If you want to eat anything, you can go there in the future~"

When Baker heard this, they were overjoyed, "Great, we will go tomorrow!"

"Really? There are delicious foods there, just like the ones Xinxin you made..." Jill originally wanted to say goodbye to Mu Qingxin again. Hearing this, he immediately ran over and asked excitedly.

Mu Qingxin nodded, "Yes, it will open at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. If you are all right, you can go and join in~"

"Okay! We must go back!"

"Let's go too!"

"I am coming too!"

People who have eaten Mu Qingxin's food have agreed to what Mu Qingxin said, and plan to take the family to taste the delicious food tomorrow, so that the family will also taste the food that has never been eaten!

"younger sister"

An urgent and worried voice came from a distance. Shui Huanlan heard this voice, her face... with a joyful expression, and she suddenly responded, "Brother!" ran to the person.

Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling looked over and saw a man who looked very similar to Lan Lan. The most dazzling thing was the dark blue... short hair and fair skin.

Shui Huanyi felt relieved when she saw her sister An Ran, who had been worrying for a month, and finally let go. Seeing her sister's ruddy face and the seemingly tall figure, Shui Huanyi was surprised, but she didn't expect her sister to pass by. After the military training, physical and mental strength have improved a bit.

"Brother, this is my good friend" Shui Huanlan stuck his brother to Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling. At this time, everyone else received communications from his family and left, leaving Dongfang Ling and Shui Huanlan. .

"Xinxin, Lingling, this is my brother, Shui Huanyi, brother, this is Xinxin and Lingling, my roommate and good friend, thank you for having them in this military training, otherwise I won't be able to persist on the first day... "Shui Huanlan excitedly introduced her to her brother and friends with a blushing face, and told her about his friends helping her in military training.

Shui Huanyi listened to her sister's words and felt sorry for her sister. At the same time, she was also grateful to her two good friends. He looked at the two lovely little girls and said softly, "Thank you for your heart and soul, blue her courage She is very young and has poor physical strength. It is her luck to be able to make your two good friends. I will ask you to take care of her in the future, thank you."

Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling waved their hands, "No thanks, no thanks, Lan Lan is also our good friend. Friends just want to help each other, this is right!"

Shui Huanyi looked at the three little girls with a smile in his eyes, lowered his head and said softly to his sister, "We should go back, mother and father should wait at home in a hurry."

Shui Hualan looked at her friends reluctantly, and said apologetically, "Xin Xin, I can't cheer for your store tomorrow, but when I come to Capital Star, I will be the first to go to your store! Yes, also, you can come to our Mercury to play during the holidays, I will wait for you at home..."

Mu Qingxin smiled and said, "It's okay. You can go to the store when you are free. You can tell me when you come. I'll explain to the store. It's free for you! Wait until you are free. , Lingling and I will go to Mercury to play together!"

"Yeah" Dongfang Ling nodded vigorously.

Shui Huanyi thought for a while, took out two dark blue... colored cards, and handed them to Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling, "Take these two cards and show them when you arrive at Mercury, and someone will guide you to us. When you come home, you can show this card if you have any business, but only for Mercury."

Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling took it, and looked at the card in their hands curiously, "Thank you, Brother Yi!"

"You're welcome" Shui Huanyi curled his lips, "We're gone, goodbye, see you after the holidays!"

"Xinxin, Lingling, goodbye, see you at the beginning of school~"

"Yeah, goodbye Lan Lan, goodbye Brother Yi!"

After Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling said goodbye to Shui Huanlan and her brother, they looked at each other and smiled.

Dongfang Ling suddenly sighed, "Oh~, why are your brothers so good? My brother is not gentle or considerate or spoils me!"

(Dongfang Ze: "Because your no one's sister is cute, soft, cute and supple!")

Mu Qingxin looked at the self-sorrowful Lingling amusedly, holding her arm, "Let's go, go to my house this holiday, and tomorrow we will go to the store to see the opening. It must be fun!"

Hearing the fun, Dongfang Ling's spirit instantly came, "Okay, I haven't seen the opening yet. I must take a good look tomorrow. By the way, I have to see what your Xinxin store looks like and what's inside. Is the food delicious? Is there anything you make delicious..."

Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling joined hands and walked out of school together, where Mu Qingxin's mother and...milk had already been waiting there.

Dongfang Ling received a message from Dongfang Ze yesterday. The home is too far away, and there is no time for delays and delays on the road. He sent someone to the capital star to take Dongfang Ling to the hotel on vacation and follow her 24 hours a day!

When Dongfang Ling saw her brother's message, she immediately replied, she quit!

Immediately, she received a reply, "Yes, either stay at school or someone will follow, choose one of the two!"

Dongfang Lingqi jumped. After Mu Qingxin on the side knew about it, she invited Dongfang Ling to stay at her house on vacation. Dongfang Ling immediately agreed and informed Dongfang Ze.

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