Chapter 199: I want that dress

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"Okay! Open all the planets in the entire interstellar!!!" Everyone lifted up.

At noon, Mu Qingxin and the others made their own food directly upstairs. After eating, the elders were busy with their own affairs, leaving only the juniors to let them have fun.

Zong Lun was also stayed. According to Grandpa Zong's words, "Heart, your brother Zong Lun is very strong. If you buy something, let your brother Zong Lun pay the bill and get the stuff, and let him follow you!"

Mu Zhaohui was angry and endured it in the morning. During lunch at lunch, he kept boasting that his grandson also endured it. At this moment, he was still selling his grandson. It was really unbearable!

"My nephew, you forgot that there is room for you, don't bother Zonglun kid, you all go back, with our third kid, the third kid can't bear his sister and Lingling tired, don't worry, you all Go home!" According to his words, "Get out!"

Grandpa Zong continued cheeky, "It's okay, Zong Lun stays in the laboratory all day, and he is very tired. It just happened that the children were turning around and resting together. I'll go first. Zong Lun will follow your sisters well. Ah!" After finishing speaking, quickly slip away.

Zong Lun was standing here embarrassed by his grandfather.

Finally, Mu Qixi pulled Zong Lun and asked him to go shopping with them.

Mu Qingxin and the others came out from the back. The store in front was so crowded that they could only get out through the back door.

At this time, someone on Starnet has taken pictures of the scene in the Sky Gourmet City, as well as the food in the store, and tracked the cooking process of the chefs.

This is the result of Mu Qingxin and the others' final discussions. They put the process of cooking to the brighter side. They want to learn, learn well, and don't have to worry about their coveting if they can't learn.

Therefore, Oulang and the others are directly behind the glass window, and the robot is making food quickly and without evasiveness.

Uploading the video to suddenly became a hot spot for spectators. Thousands of people commented and discussed below, and couldn't believe whether the video was true.

Immediately, the unique account of Sunny Sky Food City appeared on the Star Network, and began to introduce the food in the Food City, as well as the method, taste, and energy content of each food. There are detailed introductions on it.

As soon as this post appeared, it instantly became a hot forum for discussion on Starnet. Many people are commenting on it.

"Is this true? Is the meat of unicorns edible? How does it taste?"

"Is this world fantasy? There are people who eat strange animals, can they eat them? Isn't it disgusting?"

"Go upstairs. Don't talk if you haven't tasted it. I have tasted it. Every food makes me want to stop. If my stomach is not too small, I really want to eat all the food in my belly!"

"Have you really tasted it upstairs? Please introduce~~~"

"It's really delicious. My brother packed a portion for me. Although there was only one bite left in front of me, it left me with endless aftertastes. I decided to go in line to buy food tomorrow morning!"

"Gosh, please address!"

"Linglang Street, Sunny Sky Food City."

"Weakly ask, is the energy contained in each of the above foods true?"

"Same solution!"

"Fake it, except for Ji's... potion, what can increase human energy!"

"No, you are wrong! I won't tell you, I ate a piece of white rice, and my mental power broke through! I broke through!!! I broke through!!!"

"Fuck, what the upstairs said is true? My mental strength hasn't been loosened for several years. You really broke through? Could it be a coincidence!"

"No, I didn't react at all before, I really broke through when I got home after eating!"

"Oh oh oh, I have already booked a ferry ticket to Capital Star right now, I will go to Capital Star now!!!"


All of a sudden, there were more and more people on the ships going to the Capital Star.

Linglang Street

"Xinxin, what do you think of this? Does it look good?"

At this time, Mu Qingxin didn't know anything about Starnet. They are still buying clothes in a clothes shop on Linglang Street.

Dongfang Ling had just selected a dress, and after trying it on, he asked what his heart was like.

Mu Qingxin turned Dongfang Ling around and nodded, "Lingling, you have a good vision, this dress is very beautiful!"

This is an upper and lower two-piece suit. The top is a short burgundy... colored leather jacket, and the bottom is black... colored tight leather pants. Dongfang Ling wears it out, suddenly full of heroic spirit, Yujie Fan Gangdi, more importantly Yes!

Mu Qingxin... Touched her chin and looked at Lingling's figure in admiration. She didn't expect Lingling's figure to be so good. It's so good now. Will it be e or f when he grows up?

Mu Qixi and Zong Lun sat at the door unloved in their lives, waiting for their sisters to come out, go shopping or something, they were men's natural enemies! ! !

"Second Young Master, I want that dress, will you buy it for me~"

"Okay, clerk, find that dress for my girlfriend, and buy it!" Chi Boda embraced his new girlfriend and waved to pay the bill proudly. He didn't even look at the price above, nor was he afraid of the price listed above. , Who let him have money!

A clerk came over and said apologetically, "Excuse me, sir, this is the only dress in our shop. The lady has already taken a fancy to that dress. Please also ask this lady to choose other clothes. Sorry !"

"What!" the girl angrily said, and immediately fell into Chi Boda's arms aggrieved, "Second Young Master, I like that dress. Can you help me? I like this one~~~"

His heart was about to melt after being spoiled by his little girlfriend, and Chiboda said repeatedly, "Okay, I'll buy it for you, behave!"

After speaking, he raised his head to look at Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling.

Mu Qingxin and Dongfang Ling had long heard that someone wanted Dongfang Ling's clothes, but they ignored them. The clothes were first chosen by them, and they didn't do the rest, but... ..., there are so one or two people who don't have long eyes who have to go up!

Chiboda didn't see Mu Qingxin on the side, just because the clothes rack was blocking Mu Qingxin, so Chiboda only saw Dongfang Ling, saw her clothes, raised his eyebrows, "Yo , I didn't expect this little beauty to wear this dress very beautiful, not bad, not bad..."

Everyone has a heart for beauty, especially the young master of flowers like Chiboda. Seeing the oriental spirit like a little pepper, Chiboda is used to...sexually and began to molest.

Dongfang Ling didn't lift her head when she heard this kind of vain words. She hated this kind of people most.

The girl next to Triboda was immediately angry when she heard Triboda praise other girls, feeling that her status was seriously insecure, and said coquettishly again, "Second Young Master, dear~, I want that dress~~~"

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