Chapter 187: Awesome, my bee

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Andre and Allen had to shut their mouths, and looked at the box in Mu Qidong's hand regretfully. Well, the things belong to others, and they can't force them. One bite is one bite.

Mu Qidong left quickly, Andre and Allen each picked up a box, and directly pinched the food inside and stuffed it into the mouth.

"Um... delicious... delicious..."

"Ah, it's so delicious!"

Andre and Allen were deeply captured by the food in their hands. At this time, there were only two words in their minds, "Delicious!"

Capital Star

Mu Qingxin slept comfortably, lying on the bed, thinking about the past month, wondering what the little friends were doing right now?

Having not entered the space for a long time, Mu Qingxin lay on the bed and entered the space directly.

Entering the space again, Mu Qingxin lay directly on the green grass, breathing in the fresh air, stretched her waist, sat up, looked at the vibrant space, condensed her consciousness, picked an apple in the distance, and moved it over .


Mu Qingxin took two bites, the sweet and sour juice overflowed, and she hadn't eaten the fruits in the space for a month.

Standing up, eating the apple, first looked at the bud buds that were still sleeping, gently...touched... the bud buds that were sleeping, and poured two bowls of spiritual spring water for bud buds.

"Ya Ya, grow up quickly, grow feet quickly, and go out with my mother!" Mu Qingxin...touched Ya Ya's little forehead and said softly.

Mu Qingxin ate the apple, got up, and walked to the house. She was going to embroider some embroidery in the embroidery room and take it to the store tomorrow.


Mu Qing's nerves collapsed, her scalp numb, and she stopped moving, looking stiffly, why is there a buzzing sound in the space that was once so familiar!

After a careful look around, he saw two tiny sting bees flying above the hive that he had thrown in before, the size of which was the same size as the bees in the previous life.

"My god, where did this all come from?"

Suddenly, Mu Qingxin saw a few more poisonous needle bees flying to the hive from where she didn't know, and Mu Qingxin... shot... sexually lying on the ground. There was no way she was caught in the field." "Buzzing" chased them for two days and two nights. Hearing this sound, his scalp became numb, and a large, sharp needle flashed in his mind.

Mu Qingxin's mental energy was tightly wrapped around her, her consciousness dispersed, and she carefully checked whether there were any other poisonous needle bees in the space.

"Huh, fortunately just these few poisonous needle bees!" Mu Qingxin made a round of inspection, and there were no other poisonous needle bees in the space except these few.

"Really..." Mu Qingxin was about to complain... and was suddenly shocked by the movements of the poisonous needle bees.

I saw a few small poisonous needle bees surrounding their hive, and two were actually commanding them, and the other eight small poisonous needle bees surrounded their hive hundreds of times larger.

Mu Qingxin's eyes widened, and she saw the eight little poisonous needle bees swayingly lift up such a big hive, and the little ones were waving their wings vigorously, bit by bit. Move forward.

Two other little poisonous needle bees, one flying in front and the other flying behind, leaning against the eight poisonous needle bees from time to time, seem to be shouting with them, come on!

"Awesome, my bee!" Mu Qingxin said admiringly. She had placed the hive in the warehouse before. It seems that these ten little poisonous bees are moving their "home" bit by bit these days. When I came out, I seemed to want to find a suitable place to settle my "home".

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