~Chapter 65~ Legend of the Moonstone Wolves Pt. 3 The Sundrop

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Season 4 - Special

The Sundrop. A powerful and beautiful element that lies beneath the walls of the Southlands. A power that has the ability to heal and spread light throughout the world. But if it gets in the wrong hands, it could cause the animal who has it along with the world to be in great peril.

"Uh, what's the Sundrop?" I asked confused. "Ugh, apparently it's you. It's a bright yellow flowers in the flower-form of a lily. It's ability is to heal and it's a total enemy to the Moonstone. That's why the Moonstone blasted you! Because the Sundrop is inside of you! It is you!" Lowella explained annoyed. "How can I be an element when I'm a living being?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "The Sundrop and Moonstone don't have to be none-living. It's just as easy to touch the Sundrop and Moonstone and have them dwell inside of you so you can have the power just as easy as it is to drink water." Lowella said with a serious face. "Wait, if someone touches the Moonstone or Sundrop they'll automatically gain its power?" Asha asked. Everyone looked at her. "That's what was happening to Kabira. That's why her eyes turned blue. It was the Moonstone's power and color dwelling into her slowly." Lowella nodded. "OK, so are you gonna go "save the world"?" I asked slightly rolling my eyes and talking in an annoyed voice. "Erm... actually if Hestia plans on doing what I think she's gonna do, I think you might be useful." Lowella said. "So... what now? Do we go? Or...?" I wondered. "We might wanna tell Mom where we're going." Kabira said with a raised eyebrow and said it in an annoyed voice as she was sitting down with her tail laying on the ground. "Yeah, I'll go tell Mom what's going on. But I don't fully trust you." I said turning around and leaving. "Yeah, I know how you feel, princess. I know how you feel." Lowella said with a neutral face but her voice sounding a bit emotional.

~In South Rock~

"Mom, I'm gonna leave the Southlands for a bit with a friend." I called out. "What do you mean "leaving the Southlands for a bit"? And what friend?" Mom asked. I didn't really have time for this. "Well I just met her today. I'm leaving to go save the world. Apparently I'm an ancient element. So yeah." I said with a chuckle. "Ancient element?" Mom wondered. "Mom, I really don't have time-" I started then she looked at me with a serious look and a slightly raised eyebrow and she said, "Kia," I looked at her with a kind of shocked and threatened face. I sighed then said, "The Sundrop. Apparently it's a magic flower that has-" as I was explaining it to her, she said with me the last part by saying, "The ability to heal..." I looked at her confused. The Lion Guard, Lowella, and a few others in the pride along with Omari cane in. I guess we woke them. I knew we should've just left without telling her anything. "Uh... how did you know all that?" I asked looking directly at her. ".... Kia, you're the Sundrop because of me." Mom started. I could tell she was starting a story so I just sighed and laid down annoyed. "Let me guess. You're the Moonstone." Asha said raising an eyebrow. Lowella looked at Asha annoyed. "No, I was also the Sundrop a long time ago," Mom said. "What?" Me, the Lion Guard, and Lowella said surprised. Then Lowella leaned back trying to act all cool and said, "I could've told you that," "A long time ago, my younger sister- your aunt, Luna, was jealous because of me because I was born to be queen. So one day she found the Moonstone and
used it for evil..."

A/N: I feel a backstory coming on! Also, when the backstory starts, Queen Kamaria is talking.


In the Westlands all those years ago, my mother Queen Nova, was expecting cubs.

Asha: That was you and your sister, right? *Smiles*

Uh... yes, Asha. Anyway, as you know, I was born first. But before I was born, my mother was very sick. The only thing that could save her was a magical flower called the Sundrop. My father, your grandfather, found the Sundrop and used it's powers to heal my mother. The power of the sundrop should've given my mother the powers. But instead, the Sundrop's power dwelled inside of me. When I was born, I had strange markings in the shape of the sun all around my body. I looked like that for a while until I had you, Kia. Then the markings just... went away after you were born. I guess the Sundrop now is in our family tree and bloodline.

Me: Wait, then why don't I have sun markings?

I'm not sure. But anyway, a month after I was born, my mother had another cub. And she named her-

Asha: Luna!

*Rolls eyes*

We'd play and hang out together all the time. *Chuckles* In fact this one time, we were playing tag when our father, King Cosmos needed me to train for being queen. And all of my lessons got me too busy for Luna that she started to feel abandoned and eventually... jealous. Everyone from everywhere came to see me and one day, Luna went out to the woods in the Moon Forest and she saw a blue glow.

Me: Ugh, I know where this is going.

She saw the Moonstone... She came back to the Westlands thinking everyone would be impressed. Our mother explained that the Moonstone and the Sundrop work well together. She told us that the Moonstone's purpose was to look after the night and keep the night peaceful and harmonic for as long as the world will float in space. Luna started to feel special again that she found it and was allowed to use its power. She felt she had a purpose finally: to keep the night peaceful and calm. We both used our powers to keep the world in harmony for all the different types of animals. But as time went on, Luna became more resentful. She realized that the Sundrop purpose was to spread light throughout the world and heal, which she could not do. The animals honored and respected my powers and asked questions and everything. But they slept through her beautiful, starry night. She started to think of the Moonstone as her own. Like she owned it. She started to become distant of me and the animals of the Westlands. She gave the animals one more chance to change their points of views. But nothing ever came. One fateful day, Luna had enough and used the Moonstone's power in a way no one ever thought she would. She used the dark side of the Moonstone and turned evil. I tried to reason with her but the evil in her heart made it impossible. She tried to destroy me multiple times and one day, I just stopped keeping my cool. She was hurting the animals of the Westlands and someone had to do something. Once I became queen... I banished Luna from the Westlands. I didn't want to but I had no other choice. Reasoning didn't work, letting her understand her ways didn't work, and other stuff. So once she was banished, the Moonstone left her body and I hid it in the Moon Forest. I did it because for me, the Moonstone was just a painful reminder that I had to banish my own sister. When she used the Moonstone for evil and to go against me, she didn't just make me lose a sister that day; she also made two beautiful and harmonic elements go against each other.

~End of backstory~

"And ever since that day, I've regretted having to make that decision." Mom told us. "You did what you had to do, Mom. The Westlands wouldn't be the same if you didn't do what you did." I said nuzzling under her neck. Mom smiled at me sadly. "Uh, guys? Moonstone? Saving the world? Remember?" Asha asked annoyed. "Right," Mom and I said in unsion. "Alright. So you're okay with us leaving, Mom?" Kabira asked. "Um... I suppose so. As long as the whole Lion Guard goes with you." Mom told me. "Got it, Mom," I said. "We were all planning on coming anyway." Naju said. Kesi nodded. "Another great adventure, huh?" Asha teased quietly as she nudged my shoulder with her elbow. I smiled at her in a small smirky way. "Good luck, Lion Guard" Mom said. "I'm coming, too," Bakari said walking over. "Bakari?" I said with confusion. "Did we wake you?" Naju asked. "Yeah, but enough about that. Can I come, too?" Bakari said again. "Sure, I guess you can if you want to. I just don't know why you would want to-" I started and then Luna's voice interuptted, "I'll go, too," we all looked at her in confusion and I was kinda annoyed by all of the "including themselves" trash. "OK, does anyone ELSE wanna come while we're right here!?" I snapped looking around South Rock. "I'll come, too," Kai said. "Of... course you will," I said hanging my head annoyed with my ears folded back. Kai smiled and said, "It could be a road trip!" "Can we go now?" Lowella asked. We were all about to agree but then Lowella changed, "You know what? I've waited too long. It's too late now. We'll go in the morning." "K. Goodnight, everyone. Lowella, you can sleep here tonight." I said. "Thanks, Kia, but I have my ways," Lowella said jumping off. We all fell asleep really fast. It's been an eventful night.

Thanks for reading! I think I'm done writing chapters for the Kia story for a while. I think I'll start some more tomorrow. Love y'all! Thanks for being awesome! Wow, this smoke and fire is making the sky look like the earth is in an orange, LOL. Anyway, stay safe! Don't breath it in. My dad is the fire chief in NYC so he's off to work right now. K, I'm leaving before I say anything else, xd.


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