Never forget us

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Warning mentions of blood, gore, and death. Also my stupid story logic.

Dolls point of view begin!

We were never picked because of the vibe we gave off but we didn't really care we are waiting for a special someone.

One day a girl came she had long brown hair and brown eyes. (yes this is my sister I Hate her for a reason and my brother)

She looked around and spotted us she went over to us. She then picked us up and bought us she put us in the passenger seat of her car. (Wtf-)

She brought us home and made us a room. When she fell asleep. We brought her dead sister, Alyssa into the house we never liked her, she always made fun of Elizabeth. (I used my middle name :p)

So we killed her :) (little devils).

We made her un-recognizable and drained her blood and put it on the walls, like happy drawings. (I'm not crazy these devils are)

-skip after the police stuff because I'm lazy-

Elizabeth knew it was us so she decided to bury us. (How)

We were digging to get out, when we were it was night. We then broke a window (how?). And went inside we went into her room but not before taking a knife from the kitchen of course! (I legit wish this happens to someone I'm not crazy)

We then stabbed her in the throat, shoulders, stomach, chest, head, and gut, we then cut her open and drain her blood and draw happy drawings (oh yeah they also took her organs out and guts).

We then ran out of there never to be seen again.

Okay time to explain the title, Elizabeth got into a car crash at a young age survived but forgot everything (I just noticed I got into a car crash at a young age and didn't get hurt yeah true story)

This was after she gave away the dolls so she of course forgot them and only remembered close family. Her sister, Alyssa made fun of her for losing her memory. And little girls possessed the doll and loved Elizabeth as a sister, but they also don't like being forgotten and they blamed her sister for this but since she buried them, they murdered her because they didn't like that to much.

To be honest this story just is sad and gross

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