school slumber party

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Thank you, AHalf-BloodPrincess for the idea, I hope you like it.

Warning Ouija boards, ghosts and death are mentioned in this chapter.

The principal wanted us to have a school slumber party, I of course agreed. (Your mother actually forced you)

I loved slumber parties. So me and my friends are talking about what we are going to a bring, I was spacing out.

But I heard some thing that perked my interest "I'm going to bring my Ouija board" they said.
That got everyone excited.

So when the day came I brought the snacks (because you have to have snacks), As I was waiting for the school bus. I had a feeling this wasn't a good idea.

But I brushed it off as the wind giving me a cold chill, the bus came, I got on and sat by one of my friends, that sat in the back with my other friends.

I then asked, "so do any of you have the Ouija board". A little boy nodded his head.

He reach into his bag and pulled out the Ouija board, my aunt was a witch and didn't want me playing with Ouija boards, but I think it's time to bend that rule.

"Cool" I said as emotionaless as ever I then looked out the window.

We were getting off the bus when I thought I saw a ghost of a little girl in the crowd. I thought it was my imagination, like any fifth grader would.

We went to our class rooms which is where the sleepover will be held I was friends with everyone in my class, well most the others didn't trust me because I lost my emotions.

I was working on something, when I thought I saw the same girl. I of course thought it was nothing, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was not nothing.

We were getting ready for the party, and were in the school washrooms, getting ready. (I just noticed all my main characters are female sorry it's easier to make it from a female point of view and just pretend it's they/them I will go back and change it I promise)

I wore my blue hoodie and sweatpants (because we gotta be comfy if we summoning a demon).

I was walking back to class when I thought I saw the same girl. (Dang ghost can be annoying)

When I got to class I went to my sleeping bag. Someone said "okay time to use the Ouija board" our teachers weren't hear. (Just a death waiting to happen.)

Everyone excited agreed. I had a bad feeling about this so I said "I have a bad feeling about this I am going to the washroom."

"Why are you scared?" Someone said.

"Your playing with a object that can kill us all of course I am." I wasn't afraid to say when I was scared unlike some people I'm talking about you horror movie and story characters.
(But- I'm not questioning)

I walked to the washroom to calm myself down I heard a giggle.

I thought it was a spirit from the board so I said "hello".

It replied "Hi! I'm Layla"

"Hello Layla I'm Helen/Toby". I said

"Can we be friends?" She asked

"Of course" I said I was generally surprised a undead spirit wanted to be friends with me.

I was talking to Layla when one of the the kids came in ruining the moment where I actually felt emotions.

"C'mon we are starting the game" they said, clearly annoyed.

I was about to get up but before I know it, Layla jumped up and attacked them I ran out of there as fast as I could.

I ran into the classroom "A ghost murdered -Random name-" I screamed.

Everyone started freaking out they lightd turned off. When they came back on.

One was dead


Two were dead


Three were dead


Four were dead


Five were dead


Six were dead


Seven were dead


Eight were dead


Nine were dead


Ten were dead


Eleven were dead


Twelve were dead


Thirteen were dead


Fourteen were dead


Fithteen were dead


Sixteen were dead


Seventeen were dead


Eighteen were dead


Nineteen were dead


Twenty were dead


Everyone was dead I was paralyzed with fear, when this was going on, everyone was and then


I was dead.

I now haunt the school with Layla she changed my clothes in death to look like hers.
We now kill and people who dare bring Ouija boards into this school and spare the ones that leave turns out that is how she died.


So I hope you like it this the longest one I have made so far and Thank you, AHalf-BloodPrincess again for this idea and I hope you enjoyed- google let me finish. Okay I hope you enjoyed it as much as I like making it. SeE yOu In NeXt ChApTeR. Bye

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