Not only a doll

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Warning Mentions of death, blood and I think gore idk I'm too Lazy to read it

I loved vintage everything.
So I was going to a antique store to look for something for my new house.

I just moved to a forest house and wanted to re-decorate it after I'm done cleaning.

I found two dolls
one had brown hair and the other blonde
they both wore white dress with a pink ribbon on one of the dress, pink on the other, and black ballet flats

I always wanted to do dance when I was younger (true fact still do -sips tea) so I of course bought them.

I was heading home, I looked at the dolls they looked fine but their sky blue eyes seemed like they were looking around.

I shrugged it off as my imagination I was a imagination kid which brought with me to adult hood.

When I got home I was cleaning up the place when I heard a little girl giggle.

I made a room for the dolls because when ever I got dolls as a child I thought they were my child I still do that.

I never believed dolls could actually be alive I thought that was only to scare people (what about Annabelle-)
That's fake too (yes I just did that).

I was walking down stairs to get the dolls and brought them up to their room. One side was pink and the other blue.

I thought I saw them blush but of course shrugged it off (yes another love related one but someone dies)

The next day I went to the room and saw a dead body (Story Logic don't question it)

I screamed and called the police (hahahahahaha idiot)

I told them I found a dead body and that there was blood every where (your going to need that blood later)

They came and they found nothing they thought this was a murderer that tried to frame me.

I looked at the body once more they were un recognizable.
I then noticed the clothes.
It was my sister who died last month.
(That some how didn't rot Story logic)

I then looked at the dolls they were smiling wider than before.
I knew I had to get rid of them
(So you know believe in haunted dolls?)

When the police left I buried the dolls
(K. R. Alexander anyone? Just me? Okay)

It was now night and I was falling asleep I then heard a noise but thought it was a animal.

So I went to sleep.

And I never woke up again

Another short one! Sorry I will make the dolls point of view and the main character did die it wasn't a Yandere story and the main character hated her sister and the dolls were here child hood dolls she just doesn't remember them

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