The End

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As I Stood at Lizzy's funeral, I heard Dr. Baker's voice, he spoke of how long he had known her, how kind she was, how caring she was, and the many times she made him laugh. I was listening blankly while I sat in the first chair in the front row. We held an outside funeral for her, not many people were there. Maybe a few distant relatives of hers, and a few not so close friends, people from Dr. Baker's office, Dr. Baker, and me. My mind drifted back to the fisherman that watched Lizzy's last moments. He said he tried to stop her by yelling up at her, but he does not think she heard him while she stood at the edge of the cliff.

"She just stood there looking around. I thought at first, she was just taking in the view, because Mountain's Peak has a fantastic view of the landscape, especially during this time of year. The leaves are changing to those beautiful fall colors, the wind is just the right temperature; it is nice. I did not think anything of her being up there you know. When she started walking backwards and took her stance like she was getting ready to run a marathon, now that is when I began to worry. I just knew she was going to jump so, I started yelling. I guess the daddy in me came out at that point, I have two boys though, but I have always wanted a little girl, just never got one. I yelled to her. 'Hey! You get yourself down from there young lady!' She did not acknowledge me, so I yelled again. 'I mean it youngan! You get down! Don't you dare do that! I know what you are thinking, now you stop that and get down here right now!' She did not listen, or maybe she just did not hear me. It is peaceful up there but still has a good bit of noise from the waves crashing you know. I was in my boat and I knew I could not get up there in time so I thought maybe I could go on over there in my boat and maybe she would see me and I could stop her. Well, I got over there too late. She was already coming down as I got close enough for her to see me."

By the time my thoughts came back into reality The talking had ended, the funeral was over, and I was still there holding a single red rose, staring at the hole that was dug to hold her body for eternity.

I felt a hand touch my right shoulder; tears immediately swelled in my eyes. A few seconds later another hand touched my left shoulder, I broke and fell to my knees. The sun was setting, and everyone had already left. I was alone, I allowed myself to let the pain race down my cheeks in the form of tears; I cried. My throat hurt and my face was soaked. A voice told me to get up, it was Star's voice. I was already overwhelmed with sadness, now a new emotion of relief and sudden calmness took over. I stood; I could see her standing beside me. She was transparent but solid enough to see every detail; she was so beautiful, simply glowing. Another voice spoke, "Cheer up sweetheart! We are always going to be here with you!" I turned; it was Lizzy! She looked just as amazing as Star. My pain melted and I was now overcome with joy and happiness. I have never seen her smile so big. Star stood to my left and Lizzy stood to my right, "I love you guys!" I whispered looking each one in the eye before looking back at the ground. "We love you too Shannon!" They whispered back; we walked towards the sunset and sat on top of Mountain's Peak one last time together.

***A Note***

 Everyone goes throughtough times in life. We can either choose to hold it in and let it destroy ourminds, or we can reach out for help. To my dear readers. If you or someone youknow is dealing with overwhelming emotions that seem to consume you and makeyou feel like you will never be freed from your inner prison, please reach out. You are not fighting these faceless demons alone. You are loved, and youare not alone. 

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