Chapter 1

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                                                                Chapter 1

The girl was working on something. She didn't want anyone to see what it was so she was hiding herself. The adults in the house of course were talking about her once again. They were concerned because she seemed to be so obsessed with something that they considered dangerous. The girl knew though that what she was doing could be dangerous if it were to fall into the wrong hands, but as long as it stayed in her hands things were safe. She continued secretly pretending they weren't downstairs talking about her. The adults meanwhile were meeting in the kitchen of the house where they all lived. The woman of the house was almost in tears. "Dan I'm afraid. She is going to either end up hurting herself or someone else. I just know it." The woman then started to cry into her hands. Her husband tried to console her. "Bea, honey it's OK. I'm sure she understands that these things can be dangerous. We must be patient after all the doctor suggested it may just be a phase. We all know how insecure Kylee is." He comforted his wife until she stopped crying. 

Kylee was up in her room working on a project of her own. She did know and understand that she could hurt people if she chose to. But she would not do it unless provoked. She knew her limits. They just didn't understand her, no one did. This was her fifteenth foster home in the last year. She didn't understand why everyone was so afraid of her. Didn't they understand she wouldn't hurt anyone? Her powers were such that she could, but if no one gave her more provocation she wouldn't do it. She was trying to get it perfect and knew she just wasn't there quite yet. She had some of it down, she could now move small objects from one spot to the next. She still couldn't completely control the fire though and that scared her. She didn't want to hurt anyone without meaning to again. They didn't understand her. She never meant to hurt that girl it just got out of control. She had been angry. They should know by now not to anger her. Kylee was thinking these things as she once more tried to get it all under control.

Two days later she was at school when another accident happened. They were sitting in study hall and she could hear a couple girls talking about her. She tried brushing it off and not listening, but her brain wouldn't listen to her.  All of a sudden smoke started rolling from one of the girls sneakers. Kylee knew what was happening because it happened before. She tried doing what she had been practicing at the house, calling the fire back into herself. She began mumbling. "Come to me fire, come feed my pain. Come to me fire, come feed my pain." She was saying it so low that no one heard her. After a scary ten seconds which seemed like forever to Kylee, the smoke started to disappear. She felt a sudden rush of freedom. She had done it! She had finally conquered the fire! She was ecstatic she wanted to shout her joy, but she was stuck in this school surrounded by people. Kylee closed her eyes for a second and worked on practicing her breathing. She knew from doing it before that if she didn't do this it would lash out again and someone would get hurt. Kylee realized that she needed better control over her mind. When she got home from school she went straight up to her bedroom to work on ways to control it better. She knew she could do it if she tried hard enough.

 It had been four months since the last incident and Kylee was proud of the fact it hadn't happened again. She woke up one morning and felt really strange. She tried the ritual she had been doing every morning since the almost accident. But as she stared at the candle on her dresser picturing it burning.....nothing happened! Kylee was afraid. She thought maybe she had lost control of it again. She tried again. Nothing! She closed her eyes and concentrated once again. Kylee tried one more time to light up the candle. Nothing! She was now frustrated. What was going on with her? How could she have lost the power to control the fire? Or....did she lose the fire completely? She had no idea. That's what scared her the most.  Good thing it was now summer and that meant no more school. She had less chance of someone angering her and triggering an out of control fire bomb again.

Kylee went downstairs to get breakfast making a promise to not think about it and try again later. She busied herself in the kitchen making breakfast of eggs, bacon and an english muffin. Maybe she was just having a bad morning that must be it. She put it out of her mind for the next few minutes while she cooked. As she sat down at the table eating the egg sandwich she had made she closed her eyes and tried to light up the candle in the middle of the table. When she opened them again, once more nothing had happened. She reached out a finger, pointing at the same candle and bringing her finger slowly up toward the ceiling. As she did the candle slowly rose into the air. YES!! She thought, I still have complete control over that. At least she hadn't lost her powers completely as she was scared of. She had gotten so used to them in the last two years that some were almost second nature to her and she barely had to think about them anymore. She brushed off the point of not being able to light the candles on fire. She would give her mind some rest and try again later. 

Kylee cleaned up the kitchen then headed for the living room. As she looked around it came to her that she didn't want to be cooped up inside on a beautiful day such as this. She turned around, heading for the back patio. To clear her mind it always helped her to practice her judo. She began with some simple moves, then began doing some more advanced ones that took more concentration.  Eventually she felt her mind relax. She decided to lay out in the sun on the warm grass for a while since no one was home.

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